目的基于文献计量学方法,实现法医齿科学研究动态可视化,以期捕捉研究热点,明确未来发展趋势。方法在Web of Science核心数据集中依据特定主题词搜索1995年1月—2020年12月发表的文献,采用CiteSpace 5.7.R5W软件对发文国家、机构、学科领域、作者、共被引期刊、关键词等进行可视化分析。结果发文年度分析表明法医齿科学研究文献呈现逐年上升趋势,最近5年年度发文量达110篇以上。发达国家是主要的供稿来源,平均中心度>0.2。法医齿科学研究涉及口腔医学、生物、计算机、医学影像学等多个学科,学科交叉明显。关键词聚类分析共获得115个节点,主要以个体识别、年龄推断为主线,关键词热点突现与新技术密切相关。基于群体的齿科学调查、对传统牙龄推断法的改善、基于新技术的牙龄推断是当前法医齿科学较热门的研究方向。结论发展中国家亟须提高相关研究的关注度。建立并充实本地区齿科数据库,结合前沿高端技术开发新型齿科鉴定方法,基于先进信息技术开发识别程序,可能是未来法医齿科学学科发展的重要方向。
Objective To realize the dynamic visualization of forensic odontology based on the biblio‐metrics methods,and capture the research hotspots and identify the future development trend.Methods Literature articles published from January 1995 to December 2020 were searched according to specific subject words in the core data set of Web of Science.The visualization analysis of publishing country,institution,discipline,author,co-cited journal and keywords was performed by CiteSpace 5.7.R5W soft‐ware.Results The annual analysis of publications showed an upward trend of forensic odontology re‐search literature year by year,with the number of annual publications more than 110 in the last five years.Developed countries were the main source of contributions and the average centrality was greater than 0.2.The research of forensic odontology involved multiple disciplines,including stomatology,biology,computer science and medical imaging,with a distinct interdisciplinary feature.A total of 115 nodes were obtained by keyword cluster analysis.The principal line of forensic odontology mainly in‐cluded individual identification and age estimation and the emergence of hotspots was closely related to new technologies.Population-based odontology investigation,improvement of traditional dental age esti‐mation method and dental age estimation based on new technology were popular research in forensic odontology.Conclusion Developing countries urgently need to increase the focus on related research.It may be an important direction for the development of forensic odontology to establish and enrich the regional dental database,develop new odontology identification technology combined with frontier and high-end technology,and develop the identification program based on advanced information tech‐nology.
MA Hao-tian;XIONG Hua-ye;LU Ye;LI Bing;LAI Jiang-hua(College of Medicine and Forensic,Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center,Xi’an 710061,China;College of Resources and Environment,Southwest University,Chongqing 400700,China;College of Forensic Science,Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)
Journal of Forensic Medicine