
硝酸甘油开封后贮藏风险调查与防范 被引量:2

Risks to storage of nitroglycerin after unsealing and ways of prevention
摘要 目的调研硝酸甘油开封后的贮藏现状,分析硝酸甘油贮藏环节中的风险点并提出防范措施。方法2021年6月1日药师对我院硝酸甘油基数药进行现场调研;2021年8月1日至31日对门诊处方硝酸甘油患者进行电话问卷调查和2021年6月23日至9月30日对全国医务人员问卷星问卷调查,了解硝酸甘油开封后贮藏现状。结果我院备有硝酸甘油基数药的病区有32个,其中存储不规范的有:4个病区使用口服分包塑料袋贮藏,29个病区效期标注为36个月(同说明书未拆封效期)。患者调查问卷67份,男性43人,女性24人;平均年龄65(37~90)岁,60岁及以上51人;非第1次使用硝酸甘油61人;硝酸甘油开封后效期>3个月占97.01%;外出贴身(裤子或上衣口袋)携带人数占75.76%;未接受硝酸甘油用药教育占88.06%。医务人员调查问卷4365份:来自全国31个省份931家医院及机构,822家公立、87家私立和22机构(疾控中心和药品生产企业),其中心血管医院75家;护士、药师、医生、其他医技人员和行政人员分别为1580、1232、1005、413、135人,病房、药房、家中及外出3种情景下硝酸甘油开封后效期超过3个月人数分别占65.41%、49.59%和59.89%,外出贴身携带(裤子或上衣口袋)人数占34.30%。结论医务人员和患者对硝酸甘油开封后贮藏知识欠缺,硝酸甘油患者教育不足,建议针对硝酸甘油开封后贮藏容器、效期、携带方式及患者教育进行改善,从而保障患者硝酸甘油使用安全有效。 Objective To find out how nitroglycerin is currently stored after unsealing,analyze the risks to the storage,and recommend countermeasures so as to ensure the clinical efficacy of nitroglycerin.Methods The way in which nitroglycerin was stored after unsealing was investigated through a site survey of nitroglycerin-related drugs of the basic amount in the wards of our hospital on June 1,2021,a telephone questionnaire survey of outpatients using nitroglycerin in our hospital in August 2021,and a nationwide Wenjuanxing questionnaire survey of health care providers from June 23 to September 30,2021.Results There were thirty-two wards in our hospital that stored a basic amount of nitroglycerin,in four of which nitroglycerin was stored in oral sub-packaged plastic bags as well as the shelf life in twenty-nine of these wards was marked as thirty-six months(as in the instructions),which were incorrect.There were sixty-seven patients surveyed via the questionnaire,including forty-three males and twenty-four females whose average age was 65(37 to 90)years.There were fifty-one people aged 60 and over.Sixty-one of these people did not use nitroglycerin for the first time.Patients who carried nitroglycerin in their pockets accounted for 75.76%.Patients who were not informed of nitroglycerin medications accounted for 88.06%.There were 4365 questionnaires collected from health care givers from 931 hospitals and institutions in 31 provinces,including 1580 nurses,1232 pharmacists,1005 doctors,413 medical technicians and 135 administrative personnel respectively.The number of people whose shelf life of nitroglycerin exceeded three months after unsealing accounted for 65.41%in wards,49.59%in pharmacies and 59.89%at home or on a trip respectively.The patients who carried nitroglycerin accounted for 34.30%.Conclusion Medical staff and patients are not well-informed about the storage of nitroglycerin after unsealing.It is recommended that people learn more about the storage container,expiration date and ways to carry this drug after unsealing so as to ensure the safe and effective use of nitroglycerin in patients.
作者 丁倩 李博宇 张青霞 DING Qian;LI Boyu;ZHANG Qingxia(Department of Pharmacy,Xuanwu Hospital,Capital Medical University,National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disease,Beijing 100053,China;Department of Pharmacy,Beijing Children’s Hospital,Capital Medical University,National Center for Children's Health Beijing 100045,China;Department of Cardiology,Xuanwu Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100053,China)
出处 《中国药物警戒》 2023年第3期326-330,共5页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
基金 国家重点研发计划(2020YFC2008305) 北京市科学技术委员会专项资助课题(D181100000218002)。
关键词 硝酸甘油 开封 用药错误 贮藏管理 风险防范 患者教育 nitroglycerin unsealing medication error storage management risk prevention patient education
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