
科技金融支持国家创新体系整体效能提升研究 被引量:15

Research on the overall effectiveness improvement of China's national innovation system supported by sci-tech finance
摘要 科技创新的发展离不开金融的支持,科技金融作为创新养料的直接“供应商”,将在国家创新体系整体效能提升过程中发挥愈发重要的作用。通过对国家创新体系整体效能与科技金融支持关系的梳理,从资金支持、信息管理与风险管控三个角度探讨科技金融对国家创新体系整体效能提升的总体作用机制。进一步构建基于国家创新体系整体效能结构的科技金融支持框架,从创新链的角度深入解构科技金融对国家创新体系能力与效率提升的支持路径。最后,结合现实背景,从激励企业成为国家创新体系整体效能提升主体、借助金融科技深度推动国家创新体系整体效能提升、构建科技金融生态系统等角度提出了相关政策建议。为从金融角度推动国家创新体系建设、提升国家创新体系整体效能提供理论基础。 In recent years,against the backdrop of increasing uncertainties in the external environment,such as the reconstruction of the global value chain,the intensified international scientific and technological competition and the vision of a"zero-carbon future",improving the national innovation system(NIS)and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the NIS have increasingly become a strong support for achieving the goals of stable economic operation and realizing carbon peak and carbon neutrality.The development of scientific and technological innovation is inseparable from the support of finance.As a direct"supplier"for innovation,sci-tech finance has become the fundamental guarantee for innovation subjects to break through the"bottleneck"of key core technologies and guide innovation subjects to get closer to the national development strategy.However,it remains to be unclear how sci-tech finance can enhance the innovation ability,improve the efficiency of the innovation process,so as to help improve the overall effectiveness of the NIS.Therefore,this paper is devoted to discussing how to improve the safeguard measures for scientific and technological innovation,and to break the financial barriers in the innovation process,thus giving full play to the role of sci-tech finance to improve the overall effectiveness of the NIS.This paper firstly explains the relationship between the overall effectiveness of the NIS and sci-tech finance.It is proposed that the improvement of the overall effectiveness of the NIS in the new era requires taking into account both the capacity and efficiency of the NIS,paying attention to the coordination of various functions and the complementary sharing of resources,so as to synergize the result performance and process performance.This means that while focusing on high-quality output,the efficient operation of the innovation process should also be concerned.During this process,the strengthening of capacity and the improvement of efficiency are inseparable from the diversified,multi-dimensional and multi-level support of sci-tech finance.Secondly,this paper summarizes and analyzes the overall influence mechanism of sci-tech finance for improving the overall effectiveness of the NIS from the macro level,including the financial support,information management,risk management and control.First,as for the function of financial support,sci-tech finance can guide financial resources and social capital to gather around various innovation subjects,stimulate the innovation enthusiasm,and promote the collaboration between them,so as to support innovation subjects to produce high-quality achievements and improve the efficiency of achievement transformation.Second,sci-tech finance can effectively alleviate the problem of information asymmetry between the innovation subjects and external investors,guide the capital to incline to the actors with innovation ability,so as to give full play to the ability of innovation subjects while improving the efficiency of resource utilization.Third,the interaction and coordination among multi-level and multi-faceted financial entities can also reduce the adverse consequences of various risks to a certain extent,optimize the risk-benefit structure,so as to provide a harmonious environment for the overall effectiveness improvement of the NIS.Then,by constructing a sci-tech finance support framework based on the structure of the effectiveness of the NIS,this paper deeply analyzes the specific support path of sci-tech finance to the improvement of the capacity and efficiency of the NIS from the perspective of innovation chain.It is found that the effectiveness of the NIS covers the ability of basic research,technological innovation,market development,technological iteration and social service,as well as the efficiencies of technological transformation,commercial transformation,technological development and sustainable development across different activity processes.On the basis of providing financial guarantee and regulatory governance for different innovation activities,sci-tech finance smooths and covers the entire process of improving the overall effectiveness of the NIS,effectively promotes the coordination of functions and the complementary sharing of resources,thus continuously improving the overall innovation capacity and efficiency.Finally,based on the above analysis and realistic background,this paper puts forward the following policy insights.(1)Improve both the quantity and quality of sci-tech finance for innovative enterprises,so as to encourage enterprises to become the main body to promote the overall effectiveness improvement of the NIS.(2)Promote the support of sci-tech to the improvement of the NIS effectiveness with the help of Fintech.(3)Build a sci-tech financial ecosystem that is compatible with the overall effectiveness improvement of the NIS.This paper provides theoretical basis and practical enlightenment for promoting the construction of NIS and improving the overall effectiveness of the NIS from the perspective of finance.
作者 杨媛棋 杨一帆 寇明婷 Yang Yuanqi;Yang Yifan;Kou Mingting(School of Economics and Management,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期10-18,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“全创新链视角下企业创新政策生态系统研究:政策复杂性与政策协同性的适应演化”(72274012,2023.01-2025.12) 国家自然科学基金专项项目子项:“设立面向全球的科学研究基金实施路径研究”(L2124033,2022.01-2022.12) 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目:“企业基础研究行为的政策驱动机制与组合效应研究”(22YJA630037,2022.08-2025.12)。
关键词 科技金融 国家创新体系 整体效能 sci-tech finance national innovation system overall effectiveness
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