
2000—2018年黄河流域森林和草地物候的时空变化 被引量:7

Spatial-temporal variations of forest and grassland phenology in the Yellow River Basin during 2000-2018
摘要 植被物候研究对了解全球气候变化特征具有重要意义。黄河流域空间跨度大、生态环境复杂,林草植被的物候变化特征有待进一步明确。本研究基于2000—2018年MODIS-EVI数据,采用分段Logistic和双Logistic物候模型及分别对应的曲率变化极值法和导数法对黄河流域林、草植被物候进行反演,分析物候参数的时间变化和空间差异。结果表明:研究区生长季开始期(SOS)在第90~165天,从东南到西北逐渐推迟,海拔每升高100 m,SOS推迟0.94 d,其中,森林SOS早于草地。生长季结束期(EOS)在第270~315天,从西向东南推迟,海拔每升高100 m,EOS提前0.63 d,其中,森林EOS晚于草地。生长季长度(LOS)为110~230 d,从东南向西北逐渐缩短,森林植被的LOS大于草地。研究期间,SOS呈提前趋势,幅度为4.1 d·(10 a)^(-1),空间上提前面积比例为73.2%,流域中部地区提前幅度较大;EOS整体呈显著推迟趋势,幅度为2.3 d·(10 a)^(-1),空间上推迟面积比例为63.4%,森林物候期提前和延迟都小于草地;LOS呈显著延长趋势,幅度为6.4 d·(10 a)^(-1),空间上延长比例为71.8%。分段Logistic和双Logistic物候模型以及相应的曲率极值法和导数法适用于提取黄河流域自然植被物候。研究区森林和草地LOS整体呈延长趋势,随海拔升高而缩短,且森林LOS长于草地。 The study of vegetation phenology is of great significance for understanding global climate change.The Yellow River basin has a wide spatial range and a complex ecological environment.The phenological characteristics of forest and grassland need further clarification.Based on the MODIS-EVI data from 2000 to 2018,we extracted the phenology of forest and grassland in the Yellow River basin using piecewise logistic and double logistic phenological models with the corresponding curvature change extremum method and derivative method,respectively.The temporal and spatial variations of phenological parameters were analyzed.The start of growing season(SOS)was at 90-165 day of year(DOY),and gradually delayed from southeast to northwest.The increase of 100 m elevation delayed SOS 0.94 d,and the SOS of forest was earlier than that of grassland.The end of growing season(EOS)was at 270-315 DOY,which delayed from west to southeast.For every 100 m increase in altitude,the EOS advanced 0.63 d,with EOS of forest being later than that of grassland.The length of growing season(LOS)was 110-230 d,which shortened gradually from southeast to northwest.The LOS of forest was larger than that of grassland.During the study,SOS showed an advance trend from 2000 to 2018 with a rate of 4.1 d·(10 a)^(-1),and the proportion of spatial advance area was 73.2%.There was an obvious advance in the central part of the basin.EOS generally showed a significant postponement trend with a rate of 2.3 d·(10 a)^(-1),and the proportion of spatially delayed area was 63.4%,the phenological advance and delay of forest was less stronger than that of grassland.LOS showed a significant prolongation trend with a rate of 6.4 d·(10 a)^(-1),and the proportion of spatial extension was 71.8%.The piecewise Logistic and double Logistic phenological models and the corresponding curvature extremum method and derivative method were suitable for the extraction of natural vegetation in the Yellow River Basin.The overall LOS of forest and grassland showed a prolonging trend,which was shortened with the increases of altitude.The LOS of forest was longer than that of grassland in the study area.
作者 解晗 李俊 同小娟 张静茹 刘沛荣 于裴洋 胡海洋 杨铭鑫 XIE Han;LI Jun;TONG Xiaojuan;ZHANG Jingru;LIU Peirong;YU Peiyang;HU Haiyang;YANG Mingxin(School of Ecology and Nature Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期647-656,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFA0608101) 国家自然科学基金项目(31872703,32271875)资助。
关键词 植被物候 黄河流域 增强型植被指数 森林 草地 vegetation phenology the Yellow River basin enhanced vegetation index forest grassland
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