
深井直角梯形回采巷道变形破坏规律与控制技术 被引量:5

Deformation and failure law and control technology of right-angle trapezoidal mining roadway in deep mine
摘要 深井倾斜煤层巷道沿顶板掘进形成的断面为直角梯形,针对该类巷道回采过程中的围岩非对称变形和控制问题,以74104工作面直角梯形巷道为工程背景,采用现场实测、理论分析和数值模拟的方法对深井采动影响下直角梯形巷道的变形破坏规律与控制技术进行研究。研究表明:非对称变形破坏主要表现在高低帮变形非对称、高低帮煤壁上下部变形破坏非对称和顶底板变形沿巷道中线非对称3方面,直角梯形巷道的典型破坏方式为高帮上部滑移;采动导致的非对称应力是巷道非对称变形的直接原因,A区(高帮侧采空+低帮侧采动)直角梯形巷道高低帮应力差异可达18.59 MPa,高低帮应力差异与巷道非对称变形呈正相关;直角梯形巷道顶板最大下沉位置向高帮侧偏移,底板最大底鼓位置向低帮侧偏移,高帮变形量显著大于低帮,变形控制重点为高帮侧煤柱;提出“联合支护+高帮补强+低帮卸压”的巷道围岩控制方法满足安全生产要求,现场应用效果较好。 The cross section formed by roadway in deep inclined coal seam tunnelling along the roof is right-angle trapezoid.In view of the asymmetric deformation and control of the surrounding rock in the mining process of this roadway type,taking the right-angle trapezoid roadway of 74104 working face as the engineering background,the deformation and failure law and control technology of the right-angle trapezoid roadway under the influence of deep mining were studied by field measurement,theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.The research has shown that the asymmetric deformation and failure were mainly manifested in asymmetric deformation of high and low sides,asymmetric deformation and failure of upper and lower parts of high and low sides,and asymmetric deformation of roof and floor along the middle line of roadway.The typical failure mode of rectangular trapezoidal roadway was the upper sliding of high side.The asymmetric stress caused by mining was the direct reason for the asymmetric deformation of roadway.The stress difference between high and low sides of right-angle trapezoidal roadway in area A(high side goaf+low side mining)could reach 18.59 MPa,which was positively correlated with the asymmetric deformation of roadway.The maximum roof subsidence position of the rectangular trapezoidal roadway shifted to the high side,and the maximum floor heave position shifted to the low side.The deformation of the high side was significantly greater than that of the low side,and the deformation control focused on the coal pillar of the high side.The proposed control method of roadway surrounding rock“combined support+high reinforcement+low relief”meets requirements of safe production,and the field application effect is better.
作者 马杰阳 张雷 屠世浩 屠洪盛 刘迅 苗凯军 MA Jieyang;ZHANG Lei;TU Shihao;TU Hongsheng;LIU Xun;MIAO Kaijun(School of Mines,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221116,China;Zhangshuanglou Coal Mine,Jiangsu Xukuang Energy Co Ltd,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221616,China)
出处 《采矿与安全工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期82-90,共9页 Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51874281) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(52004270)。
关键词 深井 直角梯形巷道 非对称变形 围岩控制 deep mine right-angle trapezoidal roadway asymmetric deformation surrounding rock control
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