

The Political Struggles and the Central Bureau Review in1611
摘要 鑑於乙巳京察黨爭教訓,萬曆三十九年辛亥察前妥善處置淮撫李三才去留問題,但最後卻依然重蹈覆轍。由於明神宗再三推遲察期、延發察疏,給黨爭創造了充分的條件。辛亥察前,由宣黨籌謀,御史金明時參劾吏部侍郎王圖,引發雙方辨劾,還不具有黨爭性質。然而明神宗對其放任不理,未能及時遏止,遂使其成爲遺留問題帶進京察,造成辛亥京察成爲一次異於舊例的察典。吏部尚書孫丕揚對御史金明時的不當處置埋下察後黨爭的根源。被察失意的浙、楚、宣、昆諸黨,以金明時事件爲口實企圖反噬。在反噬察疏爭辯期間,東林黨人丁元薦一疏將爭辯正式引入黨爭境地,爆發了明代歷史上規模最大、最爲激烈的一次黨爭。隨著孫丕揚、王圖等先後離去,東林黨在辛亥京察中獲得的暫時性勝利化爲烏有,反東林勢力最終還是實現了察前欲去福清先去秦脈的目的,辛亥京察也成爲東林與非東林兩大勢力攻守易位的轉折點。 In view of the lessons learned from the Partisan Bickering in Yisi year,the Huai Fu Li Sancai's departure was properly handled before the Assessment of Central Officials in the 39th year of Wanli.Because the Ming Shenzong repeatedly delayed the date of assessing central officials and extended the report on the assessment result,it createddsufficient conditions for the Partisan Bickering.Before the Assessment of central officials in the 39th year of Wanli,Xuandang planned to impeach Wang Tu,a minister of the Ministry of Officials,whichcaused the two sides to argue for impeachment.But It was not a Partisan Bickering during this period.However,the Emperor Shenzong of Ming Dynasty ignored it and failed to stop it in time,so it became a leftover problem and brought it to the Assessment of Central Officialsin the 39th year of Wanli.Sun Piyang,the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs,buried the root of the Partisan Bickering after investigating the improper handling of the imperial Ombudsman of Jin Ming shi.The parties of Zhejiang,Chu,Xuan and Kun tried to Overturn the results of the assessment of central officials back on the Jin Mingshi incident.Ding Yuanjian,a member of Donglin Party,formally introduced the debate into the party struggle,which broke out the largest and fiercest Partisan Bickering in the history of the Ming Dynasty.With the resignations of Sun Piyang,Wang Tu and others,the temporary victory of the Donglin Party in the assessment of central officials in the 39th year of Wanli disappeared.The anti Donglin forces finally realized the goal that Chaqian wanted to go to Fuqing and the Qin Party first.Therefore,the assessment of central officials in the 39th year of Wanli is a major turning point for Donglin and the Southeast Parties to control the political situation of the imperial state.
作者 黄阿明 Huang Aming
出处 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 2023年第1期251-286,406,407,共38页 Journal of Chinese Literature and History
基金 國家社科基金項目“明代文官考核與官僚政治研究”(17BZS055)研究成果。
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