
美国公共图书馆的健康保险信息服务 被引量:1

Health Insurance Information Services in U.S.Public Libraries
摘要 文章梳理美国公共图书馆健康保险信息服务的发展历史,研究其服务现状,为国内公共图书馆的相关服务提供借鉴。通过调研美国公共图书馆健康保险信息服务栏目,了解其服务的基本情况,分析美国公共图书馆健康保险信息服务的形式、内容和服务保障,总结其服务特点为图书馆行业组织的指导与支持、图书馆的积极响应与主动服务两个方面,并对我国公共图书馆引入健康保险信息服务提出三点建议:寻求多方力量支持与合作、丰富健康保险信息资源、开展健康保险知识教育。 This paper makes a survey of both the history and the status quo of health insurance information services in U.S.public libraries,aiming to provide a reference for health insurance information services in Chinese public libraries.By means of Internet survey,it first learns about the basic situation of health insurance information services in U.S.public libraries,and then analyzes the forms,contents and guarantees of their health insurance information services.The result shows that the development of health insurance information services in U.S.public libraries could not be separated from the guidance and support of library organizations as well as the positive response and active service of public libraries themselves.In the end,it puts forward three suggestions for Chinese public libraries to provide better health insurance information services,i.e.,to seek multi-party support and cooperation,to enrich health insurance information resources,and to carry out health insurance knowledge education.
作者 谈大军 薛诗雅 TAN Dajun;XUE Shiya
出处 《图书馆论坛》 北大核心 2023年第4期150-161,共12页 Library Tribune
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“图书馆在国家健康战略中的角色定位和实现路径研究”(项目编号:21BTQ041)研究成果。
关键词 美国 公共图书馆 保险 健康保险信息服务 the United States public library insurance health insurance information service
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