
挡土墙支护溶蚀裂隙岩质边坡稳定性研究 被引量:2

Study on stability of rocky slopes supported by retaining walls
摘要 基于刚体极限平衡理论,以裂隙岩质边坡安全系数为目标函数,将溶蚀裂隙深度作为决策变量,结合裂隙岩质边坡和挡土墙的平衡约束条件、结构面屈服条件,建立溶蚀裂隙挡土墙岩质边坡的非线性数学规划模型,采用内点算法进行求解,并对不同参数的敏感性进行分析。结果表明,随着溶蚀裂隙深度的发展,溶蚀裂隙岩质边坡的安全系数逐渐减小;边坡滑体结构面上内摩擦角和黏聚力的增大会导致边坡安全系数的增大,而顶部荷载对溶蚀裂隙岩质边坡的稳定性影响较大。 Based on the rigid body limit equilibrium theory,the nonlinear mathematical planning model of the rocky slope of retaining wall with dissolved fissures is established by taking the safety coefficient of the fissured rocky slope as the objective function and the depth of dissolved fissures as the decision variable,combined with the equilibrium equation constraints of the fissured rocky slope and the retaining wall and the yield conditions of structural surface,and the objective function is solved by interior point algorithm.Based on the method proposed in this paper,sensitivity analysis of different parameters is carried out.The results show that the dissolution fissure rock slopes gradually de creases with the development of the dissolution fissure depth,the increase of internal friction angle and cohesion on the structural surface of the slope and the sliding mass will lead to the increase of the safety factor of the slope,and the top load has a greater influence on the stability of dissolution fissure rocky slopes.
作者 袁尚志 刘文连 许汉华 张小艳 YUAN Shangzhi;LIU Wenlian;XU Hanhua;ZHANG Xiaoyan(Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming Yunnan 650500,China;不详)
出处 《工业安全与环保》 2023年第4期17-21,共5页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
基金 国家自然科学基金(12162018,12262016)。
关键词 岩质边坡 溶蚀裂隙 挡土墙 刚体极限平衡法 非线性规划 rocky slope dissolution fissure retaining walls rigid body limit equilibrium method nonlinear programming
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