
肉桂一年生实生苗年生长节律及其生物量分配规律 被引量:2

Annual Growth Rhythm and Biomass Allocation of Cinnamomum cassia Presl Seedlings
摘要 探究肉桂一年生苗木的生长节律,为肉桂苗木生产管理提供依据,以提高肉桂苗木出圃质量。在定期观测的基础上,研究肉桂苗期生长动态、生物量积累及生长指标与分配规律,建立了苗高和地径的生长模型。结果表明:肉桂一年生苗木的生长过程可分为4个阶段,出苗期、生长前期、生长速生期和生长后期。苗高速生期生长量为8.58 cm,占全年生长量的52.59%,地径速生期生长量为0.029 cm,占全年生长量的67.44%。肉桂一年生苗木地上茎和叶的生物量大于根的生物量,比例是7:3,说明肉桂的生长重心在地上部分。因此,可利用Logistic方程预测生长期内苗高、地径生长量,为制定合理的育苗措施提供了理论依据。5—9月肉桂苗高生长迅速,应加大氮肥施用量,10—11月,苗高生长缓慢,地径仍处在速生期,应停止施用氮肥,追施磷钾肥促进苗木木质化,第二年3—4月可给予施用氮磷钾比较均衡的复合肥。 The growth rhythm of Cinnamomum cassia Presl annual seedlings was studied to provide a basis for its production and management,and to improve the quality of cinnamon seedlings out of the nursery.On the basis of regular observation,the growth dynamics,biomass accumulation,growth indexes and distribution law of Cinnamomum cassia Presl at seedling stage were studied,and the growth model of seedling height and ground diameter was established.The results showed that:the growth process of Cinnamomum cassia Presl annual seedlings could be divided into 4 stages,including seedling emergence stage,early growth stage,rapid growth stage and late growth stage.The growth of seedling height at rapid growth stage was 8.58cm,accounting for 52.59%of the annual growth.The growth of ground diameter at rapid growth stage was 0.029 cm,accounting for 67.44%of the annual growth.The biomass of stems and leaves was greater than that of roots for cinnamon annual seedlings,with a ratio of 7:3,indicating that the growth center of cinnamon was above the ground.Therefore,Logistic equation can be used to predict the growth of seedling height and ground diameter in the growing period and provide a theoretical basis for formulating reasonable seedling culture measures.From May to September,the seedling height grows rapidly,and the application amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be increased.From October to November,the seedling height grows slowly,and the ground diameter is still in the rapid growth stage,the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped,and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to promote the lignification of seedlings.From March to April of the following year,compound fertilizer with balanced nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium can be applied.
作者 杨卓颖 梁晓静 曾祥艳 韦晓娟 伍思宇 李宝财 YANG Zhuoying;LIANG Xiaojing;ZENG Xiangyan;WEI Xiaojuan;WU Siyu;LI Baocai(Guangxi Forestry Research Institute,Engineering and Technology Research Center for Anise and Cinnamon of State Forestry and Grassland Administration,Guangxi Engineering Technology Research Center of Woody Spices,Nanning 530002)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2023年第8期21-26,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 2019中央财政林业科技推广项目“肉桂高效培育技术示范推广”([2019]TG24号) 2019年广西林业科研与推广项目“东兴市肉桂高效栽培技术示范”(gl2019kt07) 2020年中央财政林业科技推广项目“广西桂平肉桂栽培标准化示范区建设”([2020]TG06) 广西重点研发计划“桂平市肉桂、罗秀米粉和西山茶产业科技成果转化应用示范”(桂科AB19245043)。
关键词 肉桂 苗高 地径 生长节律 Cinnamomum cassia Presl seedling height ground diameter growth rhythm
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