

Investigation on the Experiences of the First-Time Participants in Online Balint Group Work
摘要 目的:了解首次参加在线巴林特小组者对在线工作方式的意见和体验,为改善和推广在线巴林特小组工作提供参考。方法:自行设计参加巴林特小组工作前和工作后调查问卷,于小组工作前后分别通过微信平台发给参与者,由其自愿完成线上匿名调查。收集有效问卷101份。结果:本研究纳入在线巴林特小组参与者101名,女性成员88名(87.1%),上海地区81名(80.2%)。参与者均对巴林特小组工作有一定了解。29名参与者进组工作,72名参与者在组外观摩。在对小组工作的5项体验和小组进程8个指标的评价等方面,进组成员与观摩人员间差异皆无统计学意义(p>0.05)。在线小组工作后,参与者最担心的三项分别是参与过程中容易被周围的事物打扰;网络环境不安全,有人录音和录像;情绪和非语言的表达受限。结论:作为传统巴林特小组工作形式的有益补充,疫情期间在线巴林特小组工作可以作为线下面对面小组工作的扩展,得到了参与者的认可,今后也可以成为值得推广的长期工作形式。在线巴林特小组工作中需特别强调保密协议和安全设置。 Objective:To understand the first-time online Balint group participants’opinions and experiences with regards to online work mode so as to provide a reference for improving and popularizing online Balint group work.Methods:The self-compiled questionnaire for pre-and post-online Balint group work was sent to first-time participants through WeChat,and 101 valid questionnaires were submitted voluntarily and anonymously before and after the group work.Results:Of all the online Balint group work participants,88 cases(87.1%)were women and 81 cases(80.2%)were from Shanghai district,and they had a certain understanding of the work of the Balint group.There was no significant difference in the feelings of 5 experiences of group activities and 8 evaluation indexes of group process between the 29 group members and 72 observers(p>0.05).What participants worried about the most after the online group work was easy disturbance by surrounding things during the participation process;unsafe online environment and being recorded or videotaped ranked second followed by limitations of emotional and non-verbal expression.Conclusions:The online Balint group work was recognized by the participants as an extension of the onsite,face to face group work during the pandemic and also as a long-term work form in the future,making it a useful supplement to the traditional Balint group work mode.Confidentiality and safety protocol were especially emphasized when promoting online Balint group work.
作者 王敬丽 陈怿婷 何燕玲 袁志敏 王一波 WANG Jingli;CHEN Yiting;HE Yanling;YUAN Zhimin;WANG Yibo(Dachang Community Health Service Center,Baoshan District,Shanghai 200442,China;Shanghai Huangpu Mental Health Center,Shanghai 200122,China;Shanghai Mental Health Center,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200032,China;Xinhua Community Health Service Center,Changning District,Shanghai 200052,China;Huangpu Branch,Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200011,China)
出处 《心理学通讯》 2022年第3期182-187,共6页 Psychological Communications
基金 黄浦区卫生健康系统科研项目(HKM201908)。
关键词 在线巴林特小组 医患关系 疫情 online Balint group doctor-patient relationship COVID-19 pandemic
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