

Design and Application of a Shared-Farm Intelligent Management System
摘要 研究小组针对目前智慧农场运营效益不明显,不能实现精细化管理等痛点,提出了一种集扶贫创业、农事体验、区域出租、农民代工等多种功能于一体的共享农场智慧管理系统,详细描述了系统总体构架、系统硬件构成和智慧农场管理系统的功能设计,系统基于农场实时监测数据,根据用户需求,可以实现远程灌溉、补光以及存储柜和门禁的远程控制,并通过平台管理系统,进行设备管理、用户管理、代工服务等,有效实现了农场精细化管理,构建了一种让周边农民充分参与、周边居民普遍受益的综合经营发展的智慧农场新模式,具有重大的实际意义和推广价值。 In view of the current smart farm’s operation benefit no obvious,failure to achieve fine management and other pain points,the research team proposes a shared farm intelligent management system integrating various functions,such as poverty alleviation,entrepreneurship,agricultural experience,regional rental,and farmer OEM.The overall system architecture,the system hardware composition and the functional design of the smart farm management system are described in detail.Based on the realtime farm monitoring data,and depending on the user’s needs,remote irrigation,remote light filling,remote control of the storage cabinet and access control can be realized,and through the platform management system,it can carry out equipment management,user management,OEM services,etc.,effectively realized the implementation of farm fine management.It has built a new model of smart farm with comprehensive management and development that allows the full participation of surrounding farmers and the general benefit of surrounding residents,which is of great practical significance and promotion value.
作者 杨振宇 刘洋 刘堪锴 蔡教武 Yang Zhenyu;Liu Yang;Liu Kankai;Cai Jiaowu(Zhongshan Polytechnic,Guangdong Zhongshan 528400;Zhongshan Dakema Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangdong Zhongshan 528402)
出处 《南方农机》 2023年第9期133-136,153,共5页
关键词 智慧农场 远程控制 代工管理 管理系统 smart farm remote control OEM management management system
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