

The Predicament and the Way Out of the Exercise of the Right to Receive Priority Compensation for Construction Project Prices--Taking the New“Construction Project Judicial Interpretation(1)”as the Analysis Object
摘要 新《建设工程司法解释(一)》从整体上看内容更加严谨,体系更加完整。但针对建设工程价款优先受偿权某些具体规定的适用仍存在争议,出现各地法院裁判执行不一且说理不清的现象。基于解释论的视角,从新《建设工程司法解释(一)》的条文本身以及建设工程价款优先受偿权设立目的是保护承包人等弱势群体利益的角度出发,可以在以下几个争点上达成共识:一是明确在施工工程质量合格的前提下,转包、违法分包及借用资质中满足条件的三类实际施工人在提起代位权诉讼时,有权一并主张工程款优先受偿;二是建设工程价款优先受偿权不具有人身专属性,可以随债权的转让而转让;三是装饰装修工程合同承包人优先受偿权行使条件应区分发包人是不是建筑物的所有权人;四是行使期限起算点类型化,不局限于工程款结算之日,以及“合理期限”可以由当事人根据建设工程的实际情况进行约定。 The new“Construction Project Judicial Interpretation(1)”has a more rigorous content and a more complete system as a whole.However,there are still disputes over the application of certain specific provisions on the priority compensation for construction project prices,and the phenomenon of inconsistent execution of judgments by local courts and unclear explanations.From the perspective of interpretation theory,from the perspective of the new“Construction Project Judicial Interpretation(1)”and the purpose of establishing the right to receive priority compensation for construction project prices to protect the interests of vulnerable groups such as contractors,consensus can be reached on the following issues:The first is to clarify that on the premise that the quality of the construction project is qualified,the three types of actual constructors who meet the conditions of subcontracting,illegal subcontracting and borrowing qualifications have the right to claim priority compensation for the project prices when they file a subrogation lawsuit;Second,the right to receive priority compensation for construction project prices is not personal and can be transferred with the transfer of the creditor's rights;The third is that the conditions for the exercise of the contractor's payment right to receive priority compensation of the decoration and decoration project contract should distinguish whether the developer is the owner of the building or not;The fourth is the type of the starting point of the exercise period,which is not limited to the date of settlement of the project payment,and the“reasonable period”can be agreed by the parties according to the actual situation of the construction project.
作者 叶倩 欧阳国 Ye Qian;Ouyang Guo
出处 《中国不动产法研究》 2022年第2期277-292,共16页 Research on Real Estate Law of China
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“统一国土空间用途管制法律问题研究”(21BFX134)的阶段性成果。
关键词 优先受偿权 建设工程 权利行使 Priority Compensation Construction Project Exercise of Rights
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