

Between Northwest China and Northeast China:Political Interaction between Former Liang and Dai,Former Yan
摘要 西晋末至十六国前期,前凉张氏割据西北,鲜卑拓跋代称雄塞外,慕容燕则由东北入主北方成为中原大国。通过考察发现,西北—塞外—东北诸地方政权之间存在跨越地域距离的政治联系。代、前燕两国与前凉关联程度较低,在前凉对外关系中仅处于边缘地位,且前凉与代国的政治联系多于前燕方面。凉、代交往前期,前凉与拓跋部修好主要是为减轻拓跋部对其北方的威胁,后期凉、代交好则与后赵、前秦这等强国在侧的形势有关。至于凉、燕交往最初是在东晋武昌地方主导下,分别与凉、燕组成对抗后赵的同盟,其后前燕越过东晋直接与前凉交通,欲共伐后赵,交涉失败后,凉、燕间的政治互动趋于停止。 From the end of the Western Jin Dynasty to the early period of the Sixteen Kingdoms,the Former liang regime established by Zhang occupied the northwest of China,the Dai regime established by the Tuoba tribe of Xianbei dominated the north of the Great Wall,and the Yan regime established by the Murong tribe marched from the northeast of China to occupy North China and became a big country in the Central Plains.Through the investigation,it was found that there was a political connection that spanned the geographical distance between the local governments in the northwest,beyond the Great Wall and the northeast.Dai and Former Yan had a low degree of connection with Former Liang,and they were only in a marginal position in Former Liang’s foreign relations,and Former Liang had more political connections with Dai regime than Former Yan.In the early stage of the communication between Liang and Dai,the Former Liang established friendly relations with Tuoba Department mainly to reduce the threat of Tuoba to its north,while in the later stage,the establishment of the friendly relations between Liang and Dai was related to the border threat caused by the two powerful countries,namely,the Later Zhao and the Former Qin.As for the communication between Liang and Yan,they first formed an alliance with Liang and Yan against the Later Zhao under the leadership of Wuchang local government in Eastern Jin Dynasty.Later,Former Yan crossed the Eastern Jin Dynasty and directly communicated with Former Liang,trying to jointly attack the Later Zhao.After the negotiation failed,the political interaction between Liang and Yan tended to stop.
作者 司豪强 SI Hao-qiang(Institute of Dunhuang Studies,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730020,China)
出处 《兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期26-31,共6页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金冷门绝学研究专项学术团队项目“敦煌河西碑铭与河西史研究”(21VJXT002) 兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金战略发展专项项目“敦煌汉唐金石与河西历史研究”(2022jbkyzx004)
关键词 前凉 前燕 政治互动 Former Liang Dai Former Yan political interaction
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  • 8《晋书》卷3《武帝纪》,中华书局标点本1996年版,第58页.(下引《晋书》都采用此版本)
  • 9《资治通鉴》卷79武帝泰始五年(公元269年),中华书局标点本1992年版,第2509页.(下引《资治通鉴》都采用此版本).
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