
全球产业链重构下稳外资面临的主要挑战——基于绿地投资数据的分析 被引量:1

Major Challenges of Stabilizing Foreign Investment under the Restructuring of Global Industry Chain—Analysis Based on Greenfield Investment Data
摘要 当前,加速重构的全球产业链呈现本地化、区域化、多元化、绿色化和数字化特征,给我国稳外资和高水平对外开放带来挑战。基于《全球绿地投资数据库》,对全球产业链重构下来华绿地投资的影响效应进行全面评估,发现自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,来华绿地投资金额和项目数都出现了较为明显的下降,面临一定程度的产业转移压力;来华绿地投资减少的主要来源是发达国家、生产链条相对复杂的行业、旅游相关行业以及国内中部地区的绿地投资;全球产业链加速重构下,稳外资面临全球经济持续放缓、地缘政治冲突和美国对华“脱钩”、全球引资格局竞争加剧等诸多挑战。应推进制度型开放,构建高水平对外开放新格局;加快建设全国统一大市场,优化营商环境,为稳外资提供保障;推动数字经济赋能产业链升级,打造稳外资新增长点;推动全产业链绿色化进程,引导外资投向绿色清洁领域和环节,稳住外资基本盘。 At present,the accelerated reconstruction of the global industrial chain presents the characteristics of localization,regionalization,diversification,greening and digitalization,which brings challenges to China's stable foreign investment and high-level opening-up.Based on the Global Greenfield Investment Database,this paper makes a comprehensive assessment of the impact of greenfield investment in China under the reconstruction of the global industrial chain,and finds that since the outbreak of COVID-19,the amount of greenfield investment in China and the number of projects have declined significantly,facing a certain degree of industrial transfer pressure;The decrease of greenfield investment in China mainly comes from developed countries,industries with relatively complex production chains,tourism-related industries and greenfield investment in the central region of China.Under the accelerated restructuring of the global industrial chain,stable foreign investment is facing many challenges,such as the sustained slowdown of the global economy,geopolitical conflicts,the"decoupling"of the United States from China,and the intensified competition in the global investment pattern.We should promote institutional opening and build a new pattern of high-level opening to the outside world;accelerate the construction of a unified national market and optimize the business environment to provide a guarantee for stabilizing foreign investment;promote the upgrading of the digital economy enabling industrial chain and create a new growth point for stabilizing foreign investment;promote the green process of the whole industrial chain,guide foreign investment to green and clean areas and links,and stabilize the basic situation of foreign investment.
作者 吕越 邓利静 Lyu Yue;Deng Lijing(University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029)
出处 《开放导报》 2023年第2期60-68,共9页 China Opening Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:新发展格局下中国产业链供应链安全稳定战略研究(21&ZD098) 国家自然科学基金面上课题:全球疫情大流行下国际国内价值链重构对中国的影响和应对策略(72073025) 国家自然科学基金面上课题:全球价值链、创新驱动与制造业“低端锁定”破局:成因、机制及应对策略(71873031) 对外经济贸易大学杰出青年学者资助项目(20JQ02)。
关键词 全球产业链 稳外资 绿地投资 高水平对外开放 Global Industrial Chain Stabilizing Foreign Investment Greenfield Investment High Level Opening-up
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