In 2022, high inflation and high interest rates will impact global economic activities, and the impact of strong monetary tightening on the global economy will gradually emerge, according to the data of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the growth rate of the world economy will fall from 6.2% in 2021 to 3.4%. In terms of major economic fields, insufficient demand has led to a decline in the volume and value of global trade in goods, rapid contraction in the manufacturing and service industries, and strong risk aversion in the international financial market. In terms of major economies, the economic decline of the United States and the Eurozone is gradually becoming apparent, the Japanese economy is slowly recovering, and the growth of emerging economies is divergent. Looking forward to 2023, the IMF pointed out that the effect of the tightening monetary policy has initially appeared, the global inflation level is expected to continue to decline slightly, and the world economic outlook will improve slightly. Although the economies of the major economies have shown some resilience and inflation expectations have declined, they are still far from the central bank ’s target level, in the future, it is still difficult to find a balance between curbing inflation and the “soft landing” of the economy, and the financial environment is still fragile. Combined with negative factors such as extreme natural disasters, geopolitical turmoil, and continued labor market tensions, the overall risk is still trending downward, and it is expected that the world economic growth rate will further fall to 2.9% in 2023, which is relatively low in history.
Li Jingjing;Hao Yue;Zhu Yi;Wang Tingxi