

Diagnosis Analysis on Substitution of Clean Raw Materials Containing Low Volatile Organic Compounds in Key Industries of Industrial Field in Sichuan Province--Taking the Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Industry as an Example
摘要 本文采用资料收集和现场调研相结合的方法,结合四川省工业领域重点行业涉挥发性有机物(VOCs)的原料使用情况与主要产排污节点,对低VOCs清洁原料替代水平进行诊断分析。结果表明,木质家具制造业低VOCs清洁原料替代率没有达到目标要求。最后分析替代率不高的原因,提出改进建议。简单来说,要建立目录清单,分类施策,发挥行业协会的指导作用,建立考核评估及奖励机制,开展技术攻关,提高产品质量,研发新型产品。 This paper uses the method of data collection and field investigation,combined with the use of raw materials related volatile organic compounds(VOCs)and the main nodes of pollution production and discharge in key industries of industrial field in Sichuan Province,to diagnose and analyze the replacement level of low VOCs clean raw materials.The results show that the substitution rate of low VOCs clean raw materials in wood furniture manufacturing industry has not reached the target requirements.Finally,the reasons for the low replacement rate are analyzed and suggestions for improvement are put forward.To put it simply,it is necessary to establish a directory list,implement policies by category,give full play to the guiding role of industry associations,establish an assessment and reward mechanism,carry out technical research,improve product quality,and develop new products.
作者 马伯熙 蒲灵 田犀 张亚会 谢文婷 MA Boxi;PULing;TIAN Xi;ZHANG Yahui;XIE Wenting(Sichuan Province Academy of Industrial Environmental Monitoring,Chengdu 610046,China)
出处 《中国资源综合利用》 2023年第3期128-131,共4页 China Resources Comprehensive Utilization
关键词 挥发性有机物 工业领域重点行业 木质家具 清洁原料 替代 诊断 volatile organic compounds key industries of industrial field wood furniture clean raw materials substitution diagnosis
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