
基于改进DNE极限域的含光热发电系统风光电消纳能力的评估方法 被引量:7

Evaluation method of wind-PV power accommodation capacity ofthe power system with CSP based on improved DNE limit domain
摘要 针对传统DNE(Do-Not-Exceed)极限域的风电消纳评估模型存在的缺陷,文章提出了一种基于改进DNE极限域的含光热发电系统风光电消纳能力的评估方法。首先,定义了爬坡需求,以计及风光不确定影响下连续时间断面间的系统可靠性,建立了改进DNE风光电消纳极限域模型;然后基于该模型,论述了光热发电对提高风光电消纳能力的可行性。同时,考虑风光联合出力及系统运行风险分布特点,以系统弃电与失负荷条件风险价值最小为目标,对风光电消纳域进行优化;最后,通过算例仿真验证了方法的有效性,并分析了风光预测误差及光热电站储热容量对评估结果的影响。 In view of the defects of the evaluation method based on the traditional DNE limit domain model,this paper proposes a new evaluation method of wind-PV power accommodation capacity of the power system with CSP based on improved DNE limit domain.Firstly,the ramping requirement is defined to take into account the system reliability between continuous-time sections under the influence of uncertainty of wind power and PV output.Then,the improved DNE wind-PV power accommodation limit domain model is established.Based on this model,the feasibility of CSP to improve the accommodation capacity of wind and PV power is discussed.At the same time,considering the probability distribution of wind-PV joint output and the characteristics of power system operation risk,the wind-PV power accommodation domain is optimized with the goal of minimizing the risk value of power abandonment and load loss.Finally,the effectiveness of the method is verified by an example simulation,and the influence of wind-PV prediction accuracy and heat storage capacity of CSP plants on the evaluation results is analyzed.
作者 杨美颖 刘文颖 申自裕 王维洲 韩旭杉 马彦宏 Yang Meiying;Liu Wenying;Shen Ziyu;Wang Weizhou;Han Xushan;Ma Yanhong(State Key Laboratory of New Energy Power System(North China Electrical Power University),Beijing 102206,China;State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《可再生能源》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期546-554,共9页 Renewable Energy Resources
基金 国家电网公司科技项目(4000-202133067A-0-0-00)。
关键词 光热发电 不确定性调度 风光电消纳 条件风险价值 CSP uncertain scheduling wind-PV power accommodation conditional value at risk
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