

“Making China's Voice Heard”: A Study of the letters from the Nanjing National Government to the Commission of Inquiry of the League of Nations
摘要 九一八事变后,为因应国联调查团来华,南京国民政府编制并呈递了大量说帖。这些说帖数量众多、内容丰富、论证有力,成为中国方面向国联调查团和国际社会揭露中日问题真相并阐明中方立场观点的重要渠道,构成了国联调查团关于九一八事变和中日冲突问题证据链的重要环节,推动了调查团对中日争端形成全面认知,并在关键问题上做出了较为客观公正的结论。但是,基于现实因素和各方利益的考量,《国联调查团报告书》最终提出了在国际社会干预下东北实行自治的解决方案。弱国外交只能在大国博弈的缝隙中寻找机遇,这是南京国民政府致调查团说帖乃至其依赖国联的外交策略在当时的历史形势下无法突破的桎梏。 After the September 18th Incident, the Nanjing National Government formulated and submitted a large number of letters to respond to the Commission of Inquiry of the League of Nations visit to China. These letters, numerous in quantity, rich in content, and powerful in argument , became an important channel for the Chinese side to expose the truth of the Sino- Japanese problem and explain China's position and views to the Commission of Inquiry and the international community. They formed an important link in the chain of evidence for the Commission of Inquiry's report on the September 18th Incident and the Sino-Japanese conflict, helped the Commission of Inquiry form a comprehensive understanding of the Sino-Japanese dispute, and made relatively objective and fair conclusions on key issues. However, based on practical factors and considerations of various interests, the Commission of Inquiry s report eventually proposed a solution for autonomy in Northeast China under international intervention. Diplomacy of weak nations can only seek opportunities in the gaps of great power games. This was the constraint that the Nanjing National Government's letters to the Commission of Inquiry and its dependency on the League of Nations diplomatic strategy could not break through under the historical circumstances of that time.
作者 宋书强 Song Suqiang
出处 《日本侵华南京大屠杀研究》 CSSCI 2023年第1期115-125,144,共12页 Journal of Japanese Invasion of China and Nanjing Massacre
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“李顿调查团与大国博弈研究”(20CZS045)的阶段性成果。
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