
由ChatGPT引发的教育之问:可能影响与应对之策 被引量:35

Educational Issues Triggered by ChatGPT:Possible Impacts and Counter Measures
摘要 人工智能作为信息技术的更高发展阶段,为教育发展与人才培养带来无限可能。ChatGPT一经推出就引发全球关注和热议。它本质上是一款人工智能驱动的新一代自然语言处理工具。ChatGPT类生成性人工智能教育应用可能对各级各类正式的和非正式的教育与学习产生极大影响;也可能会比教师更有效地提供教育内容,将教师从大量的简单劳动和重复性劳动中解放出来,释放出教师教书育人的创造性,但它不太可能取代教育中人类的因素,如人际互动和反馈、创意、创造性和想象力、情感和情商等。面对ChatGPT类生成性人工智能应用来袭,教育工作者要与时俱进,保持开放,拥抱技术变革;利用新技术进行创造性工作,践行因材施教;不应简单粗暴地禁止使用相关工具;通过创新教学设计,培养学生具备超越人工智能能力的独特技能;使用人工智能工具进行学习和执行创造性任务,提升学生技术丰富环境下的核心竞争力;高度关注人工智能向善、技术伦理、隐私保护和数字鸿沟问题。教育行政管理部门和高等院校也需要拥抱技术,拥抱变革,与时俱进;加大加快人工智能相关技术投资;纵深推进人工智能战略行动,实现数字化转型;通过机制创新,促进合作协作;关注学术诚信、道德和透明度;改造课程,并推出新课程;及时反思、不断评估和改进。 As a higher development stage of information technology,AI brings infinite possibilities for education development and talent cultivation.Once launched,ChatGPT has attracted global attention and heated discussion.It is essentially a new generation of natural language processing tool driven by AI.ChatGPT generative AI educational applications may have a great impact on all kinds of education,formal and informal education and learning at all levels;It may also be more effective than teachers in providing educational content,freeing teachers from simple and repetitive work,and unleashing teachers’creativity.However,it is unlikely to replace such human beings’role and function when refering to interpersonal interaction and feedback,creativity,creativity and imagination,emotion and emotional intelligence.Facing the coming of ChatGPT generative AI applications,educators should catch up with the times,keep open minded and embrace technological changes;make the best use of this new technology to carry out creative work and teach students according to their aptitudes;The use of relevant tools should not be simply and roughly prohibited;Through innovative teaching design,cultivate students with unique skills beyond the ability of artificial intelligence;Use AI tools to learn and perform creative tasks,and improve students’core competitiveness in a technology-rich environment;Pay close attention to the issues of AI,technology ethics,privacy protection and digital divide.Education administrative departments and colleges and universities also need to embrace technology,embrace its consequent changes and keep pace with the times;Increase and accelerate investment in AI related technologies;Deeply promote the strategic action of AI and realize the digital transformation;Promote cooperation and collaboration through mechanism innovation;Pay attention to academic integrity,ethics and transparency;Reform the curriculum and launch new curriculum;Reflect in time,and keep evaluating and improving.
作者 焦建利 陈丽 吴伟伟 Jianli JIAO;Li CHEN;Weiwei WU(School of Education Information and Technology,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,Guangdong;Department of Sociology,Peking University,Beijing 100871;School of Education,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310028,Zhejiang)
出处 《中国教育信息化》 2023年第3期19-32,共14页 Chinese Journal of ICT in Education
关键词 ChatGPT 生成性人工智能应用 自然语言处理 大型语言模型 未来教育 教育变革 教育数字化转型 ChatGPT Generative AI application Natural Language Processing Large Language Model Future education Education reform Digital transformation of education
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