
早熟、优质蟠桃新品种中蟠101的选育 被引量:4

Breeding report on an early ripening and high quality flat peach cultivar Zhong Pan 101
摘要 中蟠101是以油桃品种中油15号为母本、蟠桃单株01-77-3为父本,通过人工杂交和胚挽救选育而成的早熟、优质、黄肉蟠桃新品种。该品种果形扁平,果实大小中等,平均单果质量164 g,最大单果质量214 g;果皮底色浅绿黄,成熟时90%以上果面着亮红色,艳丽。果肉黄色,成熟时果皮下花色苷少,近核处无花色苷,肉质细,纤维少,浓甜。果实汁液中含可溶性固形物含量(w)为13.0%~14.9%,品质优良。果核小,扁平形,无裂核。黏核。花为蔷薇型,花瓣5枚,粉红色,萼筒内壁橙黄色,花粉多。自花结实,丰产性好,未发现裂果现象。在郑州地区,中蟠101萌芽时间稍早(2月底),开花时间较早(3月中下旬)。果实6月中旬成熟,果实发育期80 d左右。11月上旬开始落叶,全年生育期230 d左右。适宜在各桃主产区栽培。 Flat peach is a variety of Prunus persica and characterized with flat fruit shape.The production of flat peach has been restricted in very limited regions in China for a very long time,due to cracking fruit,not well-closed fruit top and so on.Some new flat peach/nectarines were released in recent 20 years,and attractive to the consumers,such as Zhongpan 11,Jinxia Youpan,and Zhongyoupan 9.These cultivars have made a great progress in their comprehensive traits,especially in fruit size,fruit cracking and fruit shape.however,early maturing cultivar is still rare.In 2011,a cross was made between Zhongyou 15 and 02-77-3.11 seedlings were finally obtained and planted in the field in 2012.The seedlings began to flower and bear fruit in 2014.After 3 consecutive fruiting years observation,the seedling numbered 7-4-29 was selected for early ripening,perfect appearance and high fruit quality.The regional trials began in 2017.It was named as Zhong Pan 101 and authorized to release in Henan province in 2021.The fruit of Zhong Pan 101 is flat with concave fruit apex,the suture is shallow and symmetrical.The fruit size is middle to large with average fruit mass 164 g.The background color of the fruit skin is light green-yellow,and more than 90%of the fruit surface is covered with rose-red color when maturing.The fruit peel is medium in thickness and difficult to tear off.The flesh is yellow,with less anthocyanins under the pericarp at maturity and no anthocyanins near the nucleus.The flesh texture is fine,with less fiber.The fruit is melting and juicy with very good flavor.The content of soluble solids in fruit juice(w)is 13.0%-14.9%.The stone is cling.The pit is small,flat and light brown.The flower is showy with 5 pink petals.The inner wall of the calyx tube is orange yellow.It is fertile with middle to high yield. In Zhengzhou, the bud of Zhong Pan 101 breaks in late February and blooms in middle to lateMarch. The fruit ripens in mid-June, and the fruit development period is about 80 days. The leaves beginto fall in early November, and the annual growth period is about 230 d. Zhong Pan 101 is suitable tocultivate in open field or in protected cultivation condition in Northern China.
作者 牛良 刘鑫 潘磊 曾文芳 崔国朝 鲁振华 王志强 NIU Liang;LIU Xin;PAN Lei;ZENGWenfang;CUI Guochao;LU Zhenhua;WANG Zhiqiang(Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Peach&Grape Improvement Center,Zhengzhou 450009,Henan,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期807-810,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 中国农业科学院科技创新工程项目(CAAS-ASTIP-ZFRI-01)。
关键词 蟠桃 新品种 中蟠101 早熟 优质 Flat peach New cultivar Zhong Pan 101 Early ripening High quality
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