

New Professional Farmers-Taking the Lingnan Land Pastoral Complex as An Example
摘要 培育新型职业农民,提升本地村民的岗位技能和职业素质,是解决乡村振兴本地人才缺乏的有效途径。新型职业农民的培育体系尚未完善,培育方式和效果尚未能满足农民和企业的需求。因此,探索一条新型职业农民内生式发展的培育路径,有很强的现实意义。本文以珠海岭南大地田园综合体为例,通过调研访谈当地政府、企业和村民,结合新内生式发展理论,从“政府—企业—高校”三方联动的角度分析和论述新型职业农民的培育路径,探索适应当地企业用人要求、农民培训需要的培育模式,助力珠海西部地区乡村振兴的可持续发展。 Cultivating new professional farmers and improving the comprehensive quality and industrial skills of farmers is an effective breakthrough to solve the lack of talents for rural revitalization.The cultivation system of new professional farmers still needs to be improved,and the method and effect of cultivation can not yet meet the needs of farmers and enterprises.Therefore,it is of strong practical significance to explore a cultivation path of endogenous development of new professional farmers.This article takes Zhuhai Ridge South earth rural complex,for example,through the research interview the local government,enterprises and villagers,combined with the new endogenous development theory,from the perspective of"government-enterprise-university"tripartite linkage analysis and discusses the new professional farmers cultivation path,explore to meet the requirements of local enterprises of choose and employ persons,farmers training mode,help the sustainable development of development in the western region of Zhuhai rural revitalization.
作者 罗丝 郑玲珠 LUO Si;ZHENG Lingzhu(Zhuhai City Vocational and Technical College Zhuhai,Guangdong 519090)
出处 《现代农业研究》 2023年第4期27-29,共3页 Modern Agriculture Research
基金 珠海市哲学社会科学规划2021—2022年度项目阶段性成果“乡村振兴背景下珠海西部地区‘一村一品’可持续发展的内生动力研究”(项目编号:2021YBC124) 珠海城市职业技术学院校级科研课题阶段性成果“基于‘政校企三元联动’模式下的新型职业农民职业技能培养的路径探究”(项目编号:JY2020120103)。
关键词 新型职业农民 内生式发展 人才培养 new professional farmers endogenous development talent training
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