It was proved by Bahouri et al.[9]that the Schrodinger equation on the Heisenberg group H^(d),involving the sublaplacian,is an example of a totally non-dispersive evolution equation:for this reason global dispersive estimates cannot hold.This paper aims at establishing local dispersive estimates on H^(d) for the linear Schrodinger equation,by a refined study of the Schrodinger ker-nel St on H^(d).The sharpness of these estimates is discussed through several examples.Our approach,based on the explicit formula of the heat kernel on H^(d) derived by Gaveau[19],is achieved by combining complex analysis and Fourier-Heisenberg tools.As a by-product of our results we establish local Stri-chartz estimates and prove that the kernel St concentrates on quantized hori-zontal hyperplanes of H^(d).