
坯绸和丝绵产品的碳足迹核算与评价 被引量:1

Carbon footprint calculation and assessment of greige and silk wadding products
摘要 为分析丝绸产品原料的碳足迹,对坯绸与丝绵产品生产过程的碳足迹进行核算与评价。结果表明:以鲜茧和干茧为原料生产的坯绸产品碳足迹分别为24.93 kgCO_(2)e/kg和27.84 kgCO_(2)e/kg,其中缫丝工序的碳足迹最大,分别约占两种坯绸产品碳足迹的47.39%和42.45%;丝绵产品从蚕茧入库到生产完成的碳足迹为10.14 kgCO_(2)e/kg,其中煮绵脱胶工序的碳足迹最大,约占丝绵产品碳足迹的39.63%;生产耗用的蒸汽为坯绸和丝绵产品碳足迹的最大排放源,在鲜茧缫丝坯绸、干茧缫丝坯绸与丝绵产品中分别约占61.72%、61.04%和79.06%。通过技术改进减少蒸汽耗用量、使用清洁电力、采购低碳双氧水等可有效降低坯绸和丝绵产品生产的碳足迹。 In order to analyze the carbon footprint of raw materials of silk products,the carbon footprints of greige and silk wadding products during the production process are calculated and evaluated.The results show that the carbon footprints of greige products made from fresh cocoons and dry cocoons are 24.93 kgCO_(2)e/kg and 27.84 kgCO_(2)e/kg respectively.The reeling process of greige products generates the largest carbon foot⁃prints,accounting for 47.39%(greige made from fresh cocoons)and 42.45%(greige made from dry cocoons),re⁃spectively.The carbon footprint of silk wadding product from the receiving of the cocoons to completion of pro⁃duction is 10.14 kgCO_(2)e/kg,and the cooking and degumming process is identified as having the largest carbon footprint,accounting for 39.63%.Moreover,steam is the mainly source of carbon footprint emissions in the pro⁃duction of greige and silk wadding products,occupying about 61.72%(greige made from fresh cocoons),61.04%(greige made from dry cocoons)and 79.06%respectively.It is recommended to decrease the consump⁃tion of steam through technology innovation,using clean electricity and low carbon hydrogen peroxide to re⁃duce carbon footprints of the greige and silk wadding products.
作者 刘景刚 刘灿 黄娇连 黄农审 刘书轶 王来力 LIU Jinggang;LIU Can;HUANG Jiaolian;HUANG Nongshen;LIU Shuyi;WANG Laili(Guangxi Guihua Silk Company,Nanning 530306,China;School of Fashion Design&Engineering,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China;Silk and Fashion Culture Center of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310018,China)
出处 《印染》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第4期54-57,共4页 China Dyeing and Finishing
基金 2022年中央外经贸发展专项资金(茧丝绸)项目(浙财建[2022]95号)。
关键词 碳足迹 核算 排放源 坯绸 丝绵 carbon footprint calculation emission source greige silk wadding
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