
我国动产抵押转让保全规则的体系展开 被引量:6

Systematic Construction on Rules of Chattel Mortgage Protection after Transfer
摘要 抵押动产转让后如何保全抵押权,《民法典》第406条第2款存在两种解释路径:“价金物上代位”和“转让价款请求权”,这两种解释路径均难以调和抵押人、抵押权人、抵押物买受人以及其他利害关系人之间的利益冲突。在现行法律框架下引入收益延伸规则,配以动产担保登记制度改革,既必要也可行。收益延伸规则的理论基础是当事人的明示约定和收益的描述及公示。收益可以概括描述,也可具体描述;收益的公示包括首次公示和补充公示,补充公示因担保物类型而异,凡不能在动产和权利担保统一登记系统公示者,皆应在收益产生后10日宽限期内办理补充公示,以防突袭损害。收益延伸规则的“命脉”在于识别与追踪,应区分现金收益与非现金收益设置不同追踪方法,方可收抵押保全之实效。然收益延伸的功能不应被过分夸大,在收益和原始抵押财产均无法追及时,抵押权人还需借助侵权损害赔偿请求权、增担保请求权和提前清偿请求权以获得充分救济。 How can a mortgage right be protected after the transfer of mortgaged movable property?The second paragraph of Article 406 of Civil Code of PRC posits two interpretations,none of which can reasonably reconcile the interest conflicts among the mortgagor,mortgagee,buyer of the chattel and other interested parties.It is therefore both necessary and feasible to introduce the rule of proceeds of UCC 9-315 and to reform the filing system of security interests to solve this problem.The rule of proceeds is founded on the express agreement and on the description and disclosure by the parties.The description of the proceeds can be general or detailed,and disclosure encompasses initial and supplementary ones,the latter of which depends on the type of collateral.If the proceeds cannot be disclosed in the unified registration system,the supplementary disclosure must be done within the grace period of 10 days after the generation of proceeds so as to forestall any untoward eventualities.The efficacy of the rule of proceeds turns on identification and tracing,which requires distinguishing between cash proceeds and non-cash proceeds in order to ensure the effective preservation of the mortgage right.Nevertheless,the efficacy of the rule of proceeds should not be unduly exaggerated,and other legal remedies such as the request for compensation for infringement,request for additional collateral and request for early repayment may still be invoked by mortgagees when the proceeds and the original mortgaged property prove intractable.
作者 刘平 Liu Ping
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期74-87,共14页 Journal of Comparative Law
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“民法典实质债法规范体系研究”(项目编号:22AFX015) 中国博士后科学基金第69批面上资助(2021M693484)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 动产抵押 物上代位 收益 担保物的描述 可识别性 chattel mortgage subrogation in rem proceeds description of collateral identifiable
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