
蒋涛通督整脊疗法治疗颈椎病并焦虑状态经验 被引量:1

JIANG Tao's Experience of Tongdu Chiropractic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis with Anxiety State
摘要 近年来,由于生活方式、工作习惯的改变,颈椎病的发病率显著增加。与颈椎病相关的疼痛及其他不适不仅会导致并发症,还会诱发负面情绪,如焦虑等,严重影响人体的生理和心理健康。众多临床结果显示,传统中医疗法如针灸、推拿对颈椎病并焦虑状态的疗效显著,但目前相关研究多停留于神经递质、分子细胞等现代生物学机制层面,缺乏中医理论的指导。针对这样的情况,文章试图围绕蒋涛主任运用通督整脊疗法治疗颈椎病并焦虑状态经验总结这一课题,在对该病中医学病因病机认识的基础上,着重以“筋骨正,气血畅,督脉通,神即安”的治疗思想从经络、筋骨、气血等层面探讨了中医学理论及中医特色疗法治疗该病的可行性问题,从而更加有效地指导对该病的中医临床诊治,达到“理论有据,临床有验”的目的。通过该文的研究,得到以下主要结论:通督整脊疗法治疗颈椎病的基础上兼顾了焦虑状态的防治,临床疗效较好,且理论体系完整,此诊疗经验值得进一步传承学习。并附验案一则,以供参合。 In recent years,the incidence of cervical spondylosis has increased significantly due to changes in lifestyle and work habits.Pain related to cervical spondylosis and other discomfort will not only causes complications,which can also induce negative emotions,such as anxiety,which seriously affects the physiological and mental health of the human.Many clinical results show that traditional Chinese medicine therapy,such as acupuncture and massage,have significant effects on cervical spondylosis and anxiety.But currently related research is mostly at the level of modern biological mechanisms such as neurotransmitters and molecular cells,which lacks the guidance of Chinese medicine theory.In response to this situation,the article attempts to summarize the experience of cervical spondylosis and anxiety in the use of Tongdu chiropractic therapy around Director Jiang Tao.This subject,on the basis of the awareness of the disease and pathogenesis of the disease of the disease,focuses on the treatment of"keeping muscles and bones upright,keeping qi and blood flowing,connecting the governor's arteries,and keeping mind at ease."Bone,qi and blood,and other levels of traditional Chinese medicine theory and the feasibility of traditional Chinese medicine therapy to treat the disease,so as to more effectively guide the clinical of Chinese medicine to the disease.The purpose of diagnosis and treatment achieves the purpose of"theory is well-founded and clinically experimented".Through the research of this article,the following main conclusions are obtained:Tongdu chiropractic therapy treats cervical spondylosis taking into account the prevention and treatment of anxiety,the clinical effect is better,and the theoretical system is complete.This diagnosis and treatment experience is worth further inheritance.And a verification case is attached for participation.
作者 赵艳标 郭光宇 樊书一 蒋涛 ZHAO Yanbiao;GUO Guangyu;FAN Shuyi;JIANG Tao(Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Anhui Hefei 230038,China;The Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Anhui Hefei 230061,China)
出处 《中医药临床杂志》 2023年第3期458-462,共5页 Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 2019年省级中医发展专项资金项目[皖卫中医药发(2019)8号] 安徽省名中医蒋涛工作室[中发展(2020)10号] 安徽省中医优势特色专科[皖中医药服务秘(2021)71号] 安徽中医药大学2021年度临床科研基金项目[2021efy1c25]。
关键词 蒋涛 颈椎病 焦虑状态 通督整脊推拿 通督调神 JIANG Tao Cervical spondylosis Anxiety state Tongdu chiropractic massage Tongdu regulating mind
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