The Dark is Rising is a series of works created by British fantasy novelist Susan Cooper in the Cold War period.When the British Empire fell apart after the two world wars,it was in urgent need to heal the wounds of war and rebuild national confidence.Cooper has carried on the tradition to draw on mythology for power and tried to build the sense of national community through Anglo-Saxon legends and mythology.The Dark is Rising series takes place in Buckinghamshire which was bombed during World War II;Cornwall,where King Arthur was born;and the Celtic-cultured mountainous area of Wales.In these three real spaces that can easily arouse the collective consciousness of the British people,the author has created a fantastic historical space through writing about cultural memories,allowing the protagonists to adventure into the past.The protagonists draw strength from historical heroes such as King Arthur and eventually grow into strong-willed individuals and together a strong group.Through the geographical space,historical space and psychological space with British identity,the series inspires people to overcome their panic and regain confidence,and establish new individual identity and national identity.
Foreign Languages and Literature