

Optimal Feeding Height and Feeding Preferences in Captive Crossoptilon auritum
摘要 笼养鸟类取食高度对其自然行为表达和动物福利至关重要。然而,相关研究却少见报道。本文以我国二级重点保护野生动物——蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)为研究对象,观察笼养状态下其对不同高度取食槽内放置的种子或蔬菜的取食次序,并使用回归分析建立取食高度与偏好值的数学模型。结果发现,笼养蓝马鸡取食种子类食物(玉米粒)最佳取食高度为0 cm,并且采食偏好随采食槽高度升高而下降(y=﹣0.564x+43.146,R^(2)=0.946,y为采食偏好值,x为采食槽高度);油麦菜(Lactuca sativa)的最适取食高度范围为15~25 cm,随着取食槽高度的升高,偏好值先上升,至25 cm处后下降(y=﹣0.014x^(2)+0.543x+26.487,R^(2)=0.952,y为采食偏好值,x为采食槽高度)。当取食槽高度在65 cm及以上时,蓝马鸡拒食率上升(拒食率≥38.9%)。成年蓝马鸡体高对取食高度影响不明显。研究结果可为笼养蓝马鸡饲养管理提供参考。 [Objectives]Feeding height is crucial for the expression of natural behavior and animal welfare of captive birds.However,literatures about this issue are unavailable so far.This study is to explore the optimal feeding height of caged Blue-eared Pheasant(Crossoptilon auritum),which is a class II national protected animal species in China,to provide a reference for feeding and to improve the quality of feeding management and welfare.[Methods]We designed and made a feeding trough with 14 different heights,ranging from 0 cm to 70 cm(Fig.1).Then we used this feeding trough to observe the feeding sequence of the C.auritum on either seed or vegetable in each box at different heights at Beijing Zoo.According to the feeding order of C.auritum to the trough of fourteen heights,the feeding behavior of different heights was assigned with a value.The first feeding height was assigned with a value of 14,which decreased successively,and the height without feeding was assigned with a value of 0.The experiment was repeated three times.R software was used to analyze the preference value data.Regression analysis of feeding preference values versus feeding height was performed using OriginPro 2021.The t-test method was used to analyze the feeding habits of C.auritum with different body heights.[Results]The results showed that captive Blue-eared Pheasant had different preferences for the height of the trough when feeding on seed food(corn kernels)and leaf-used lettuce(Lactuca sativa).The preferred feeding height of seed food was 0 cm,and the preferred height range of leaf-used lettuce was 15﹣25 cm(Fig.2).We found that the feeding rejection rate increased when the feeding trough height was 65 cm and above(feeding rejection rate≥38.9%,Fig.2).The preference value of Blue-eared Pheasant decreased with feeding trough height when they feed on corn kernels(regression analysis:y=﹣0.564x+43.146,R^(2)=0.946,y represents preference value,and x represents feeding trough height),and the preferred height when they feed on leaf-used lettuce increased from 0 cm to 25cm first,and then decreased(regression analysis:y=﹣0.014x^(2)+0.543x+26.487,R^(2)=0.952,y represents preference value,and x represents feeding trough height,Fig.3).In addition,body height of adult Blue-eared Pheasant showed no significant effect on feeding height preferences(t-test,Fig.4 and 5).[Conclusion]Our study showed that captive Blue-eared Pheasants preferred different trough heights in feeding different food types,and show different patterns of height change with different food types.The results were correlated with feeding behavior of wild Blue-eared Pheasant,which provide a reference for the breeding of captive Blue-eared Pheasant.
作者 李菁 闫拯 刘晓燕 周凯迪 冯妍 李静 张璐 吴秀山 姜淼 张增帅 夏雪宜 刘定震 刘学锋 LI Jing;YAN Zheng;LIU Xiao-Yan;ZHOU Kai-Di;FENG Yan;LI Jing;ZHANG Lu;WU Xiu-Shan;JIANG Miao;ZHANG Zeng-Shuai;XIA Xue-Yi;LIU Ding-Zhen;LIU Xue-Feng(Beijing Key Laboratory of Captive Wildlife Technologies,Beijing 100044;Beijing Zoo Administration,Beijing 100044;Ministry of Education,Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering,College of Life Sciences,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期69-76,共8页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(No.2017YFD0301704,2016YFD0300307) 公益性行业科研专项(No.20150312705)。
关键词 蓝马鸡 取食 时间分配 环境丰容 人工养殖 Crossoptilon auritum Feeding Time budget Environmental enrichment Artificial propagation
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