
矿山安监机构煤矿隐蔽致灾因素普查治理实效和改进方向——以国家矿山安全监察局新疆局为例 被引量:1

Effectiveness and improvement direction of general survey and treatment of hidden disaster-causing factors in coal mines by mine safety supervision institutions——Taking Xinjiang Bureau of the National Mine Safety Administration as an example
摘要 煤矿隐蔽致灾因素普查治理一直是煤矿安全发展的关键所在。介绍了新疆煤矿安全生产基本情况,从国家矿山安全监察机构的角度,对煤矿隐蔽致灾存在的主要风险进行了深入分析。从高度重视、周密安排部署,加强沟通交流,确定普查重点内容,发挥专家技术支撑作用等6个方面阐述了国家矿山安全监察局新疆局对隐蔽致灾因素普查治理工作的组织管理;对新疆地区煤矿隐蔽致灾因素普查治理工作中需要提升和改进的主要方面进行了具体说明。 The general survey and treatment of hidden disaster-causing factors in coal mines has always been the key to the development of coal mine safety.This paper introduces the basic situation of coal mine safety production in Xinjiang,and analyzes the main risks of hidden disasters in coal mines from the perspective of the national mine safety supervision institutions,expounds the organization and management work of the Xinjiang Bureau of the National Mine Safety Administration for the general survey and treatment of hidden disaster-causing factors from six aspects,such as attaching great importance to make careful arrangements for deployment,strengthening communication and exchange to determine the key contents of the general survey,and giving play to the technical support role of experts.The main aspects that need to be improved in the general survey and treatment of hidden disaster-causing factors in coal mines in Xinjiang are described in detail.
作者 陈为强 CHEN Weiqiang(Xinjiang Bureau of the National Mine Safety Administration,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830000,China)
出处 《中国煤炭》 2022年第S02期13-16,共4页 China Coal
关键词 隐蔽致灾因素普查 安全监察 煤矿安全 风险分析 general survey of hidden disaster-causing factors safety supervision coal mine safety risk analysis
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