
2017—2021年资阳市雁江区碘缺乏病监测结果分析 被引量:2

Analysis of monitoring results of iodine deficiency disorders in Yanjiang District of Ziyang City from 2017 to 2021
摘要 目的 分析2017—2021年资阳市雁江区碘缺乏病相关监测结果,评价雁江区孕妇及儿童碘缺乏病防治效果,为制定针对性措施和科学干预策略提供参考资料。方法 将资阳市雁江区按东、西、南、北、中5个方位划分抽样片区,2017—2021年每年均在5个片区各随机抽取1个乡镇/街道,在抽取的乡镇/街道各抽取40名8~10岁非寄宿学生和20名孕妇,采集其尿样和家中食用盐样进行尿碘及盐碘检测。采用《地方性甲状腺肿诊断标准》B超法测量2019年抽取的200名非寄宿学生甲状腺容积进行甲肿判定。率的比较用卡方检验,不符合正态分布的资料用非参数检验方法。结果2017—2021年资阳市雁江区5个抽样片区合格碘盐食用率分别为97.00%、99.00%、98.00%、97.00%和99.00%,儿童尿碘中位数分别为179.68μg/L、165.06μg/L、187.36μg/L、238.74μg/L和191.90μg/L,孕妇尿碘中位数分别为109.54μg/L、125.50μg/L、145.73μg/L、168.17μg/L和135.50μg/L;2017—2021年资阳市雁江区无新发地方性克汀病病人;2019年资阳市雁江区甲状腺肿大率为0。结论 2019年资阳市雁江区实现碘缺乏病消除目标。儿童碘摄入适宜,但孕妇碘摄入不足,应重点关注孕妇碘的摄入。持续做好监测工作,科学评估雁江区孕妇及学龄儿童碘营养状况,依据分类指导原则,有针对性开展各人群健康宣教,巩固和维持碘缺乏病消除成果。 Objective To analyze the monitoring results of iodine deficiency disorders in Yanjiang District of Ziyang City from 2017 to 2021,to evaluate the prevention and treatment effects of iodine deficiency disorders in pregnant women and children in Yanjiang District,and to provide reference for formulating targeted measures and scientific intervention strategies.Methods The sampling area was divided according to 5 directions of east,west,south,north and middle of Yanjiang District,and in each year from 2017 to 2021,one town/street was randomly selected in each of the 5 areas.40 non-boarding students aged 8-10 years old and 20 pregnant women were sampled in the each selected towns/streets,and their urine samples and household salt samples were collected for urine iodine and salt iodine testing.The thyroid volume of 200 students was measured by B-ultrasound method of "Diagnostic Criteria for Endemic Goiter" to determine goiter in 2019.The Chi-square test was used for the comparison of rates,and the nonparametric test was used for data that did not conform to the normal distribution.Results From 2017 to 2021,the coverage rates of qualified iodized salt in 5 areas of Yanjiang District were 97.00%,99.00%,98.00%,97.00% and 99.00%,respectively.The medians of children's urinary iodine were 179.68 μg/L,165.06μg/L,187.36 μg/L,238.74 μg/L and 191.90 μg/L,respectively.The medians urinary iodine of pregnant women were 109.54 μg/L,125.50 μg/L,145.73 μg/L,168.17 μg/L and 135.50 μg/L,respectively.From 2017 to 2021,there were no new cases of endemic cretinism in Yanjiang District of Ziyang City.In 2019,the goiter rate in Yanjiang District of Ziyang City was 0.Conclusions In 2019,Yanjiang District achieved the elimination goal of eliminating iodine deficiency disorders.Children's iodine intake is appropriate,but pregnant women's iodine intake is insufficient,which should be paid attention to.Monitoring and scientific assessment of the iodine nutrition status of pregnant women and school-age children in Yanjiang District should be carried out continuously,and targeted health education should be carried out for each population based on the classification guidelines to consolidate and maintain the results of elimination of iodine deficiency disorders.
作者 黄轩 李仕海 肖凌云 刘伦光 HUANG Xuan;LI Shihai;XIAO Lingyun;LIU Lunguang(Yanjiang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Ziyang 641300,Sichuan Province,China;Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China)
出处 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》 CAS 2023年第1期50-56,共7页 Parasitoses and Infectious Diseases
关键词 盐碘 尿碘 孕妇 儿童 salt iodine urine iodine pregnant women children
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