The health supervision mode based on quantitative classification management,the combination of daily supervision and double random supervision,the combination of online monitoring and witnessed inspections in water quality,and the combination of independent law enforcement and multi department joint law enforcement has significantly improved the health and safety status of swimming places,but in the current swimming place health regulation,there are deficiencies in the health supervision laws and regulations,health supervision law enforcement force,and health supervision technical support and so on.Based on the background of credit system construction and policy support,the advantages of credit supervision and status quo of health credit supervision in public places,this paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of implementing health credit supervision in swimming places,in order to better implement the reform of“release,control and service”,give play to the important role of credit in improving the supervision ability and level of swimming places,strengthen the integrity and self-discipline of management objects,and enhance the effectiveness of health supervision and law enforcement.The healthy and safety situation of swimming places have been improved significantly through the supervision mode,which mainly combines quantitative classification-based management,the combination of regular supervision and dual random supervision,the combination of online monitoring and on-site detection of water quality,and the combination of separate law enforcement and multi-department joint law enforcement.However,it shows limitations in laws and regulations of sanitation supervision,the power of sanitation supervision and law enforcement and technical support for sanitation supervision.Based on the background of credit system construction and policy support,the advantages of credit supervision,and the current status of sanitation credit supervision in public places,this paper discussed the necessity and feasibility of implementing sanitation credit supervision in swimming places,and demonstrated the important role of credit in improving swimming place supervision.We hope it can solve problems better in swimming place supervision,strengthen the honesty and self-discipline of supervisees,and enhance the effectiveness of sanitation supervision and law enforcement.
XIAO Lu;ZHENG Ying-jie(Supervision Institution,Changning Municipal Health Commission,Shanghai 200051,China;School of Public Health,Fudan University)
swimming place
quantitative classification
sanitary status
sanitation supervision
credit supervision