

The Status Analysis and Promotion Research of the Data Literacyfor Graduate Students of Military Universities in the Era of Big Data
摘要 为解决兵工类高校研究生学习过程中的数据意识淡薄、数据处理能力欠佳等问题,本文探索通过加强研究生数据收集能力、鼓励研究生参加数据分析大赛、采用案例教学、项目驱动法和混合式教学等方法提升研究生的数据素养,并在研究生基础理论课程“数理统计”中进行了教改实践。结果表明:学生的数据分析能力、学习兴趣、平时和考试成绩、参加竞赛的积极性、申报研究生创新项目的成功率等均有显著提升。这些方法有效提升了研究生的数据素养,可为大数据时代下应用创新型研究生的培养提供参考和借鉴。 In order to solve the problems such as weak data awareness and poor data processing ability during the study for graduate students of military universities,we explored to improve the data literacy of graduate students by strengthening the data collection ability of graduate students,encouraging graduate students to participate in the data analysis competition,adopting case teaching mode,project driven approach and blending teaching mode.And then we constructed the teaching reform practice in the graduate course of"Mathematical Statistics".The results showed that after teaching reform graduate students have stronger ability of data analysis,higher learning interest,higher average scores of usual and test performance,higher enthusiasm to participate in the competition and success rate of applying for graduate student innovation projects.The methods proposed in this paper effectively improved the data literacy of graduate students,and can provide references for the cultivation of applied and innovative graduate students.
作者 张亮亮 薛震 薛亚奎 雷英杰 Zhang Liangliang;Xue Zhen;Xue Yakui;Lei Yingjie(School of Mathematics,North University of China ,ShanxiTaiyuan 030051)
出处 《科技风》 2023年第10期137-139,共3页
基金 山西省研究生教育教学改革项目(2021 YJJG193、2021YJJG216、2021YJJG219) 山西省高等教育教学改革项目(J2021322) 山西省指令性高等教育教学改革项目(Z2021038)。
关键词 大数据 数据素养 案例教学 数据分析 混合式教学 Big data data literacy case teaching mode data analysis blending teaching mode
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