

Repeating Ancient Poems of Xia Ruins:A Study of the Circulation of Early Shangshu-like Documents
摘要 唐叔虞就封之处为故唐尧和禹夏之虚,其地在晋南之翼城。出土及传世《夏书》篇章中,多见晋文化留痕,显示出早期《书》篇流传过程中的“夏虚诵古”特征。就《甘誓》而论,除了殷商之时已写定篇章,流传至春秋时晋国而被改移修饰外;亦有可能,今传《甘誓》为夏虚一直口传之篇章,至战国时始形诸文字,因为口传方式的不稳定性,使得传承者自动将其“六人”改为“六卿”,《甘誓》篇遂成今日面貌。相较而言,在改换之处上,《明鬼下》所引之篇具更多商周写定文本的痕迹。《厚父》篇属于《夏书》,观此篇亦可见出夏代口传文献之代代相传;其文体特征近同周初文献,则提醒我们此篇写定时间或在周初,抑或是经过周初之转写。《书》篇渊源甚早,且其流传同夏虚所在关系密切;《书》类文献的区域性传播,提醒我们早期可能存在一种《夏书》《商书》《周书》分编的文本形态。 The place where Tang Shuyu was enthroned was the ruined places of Tang Yao and Yu Xia,which was located in Yicheng,the south of Shanxi Province.The unearthed and transmitted chapters of Xia Shu are mostly traces of Jin culture,showing the characteristics of“reciting ancient poems of Xia Ruins”in the circulation of early Shangshu.In the case of the Gan Oath,for example,in addition to one possibility which the text already written at the time of the Yin Dynasty and Shang Dynasty and when it spread to the Spring and Autumn period,it were modified in the Jin Dynasty;It also has another possibility that the present Gan Oath was an oral passage in Xia Ruins,and it was written in the Warring States Period.Due to the instability of oral transmission,so that the inheritor would automatically change his“six persons”to“six ministers”,and the Gan Oath became what it is today.In contrast,in terms of changes,the quoted text of the Identifying the Presence of Ghosts and Spirits has more traces of texts written by Shang Dynasties and Zhou Dynasties.The Hou fu is subordinate to the Xia Shu,from which we can find out how the oral documents carry forward from generation to generation;and its stylistic features are similar to those documents of early Zhou Dynasty,which reminds us that the time of writing this chapter is either at the beginning of Zhou Dynasty or was transcribed at the beginning of Zhou Dynasty.The origin of Shangshu is very early,and its spread is closely related with Xia Ruins;the regional dissemination of Shangshu-like documents reminds us that there may be a subdivided textual form of Xia Shu,Shang Shu and Zhou Shu in the early period.
作者 赵培 ZHAO Pei
出处 《北方论丛》 2023年第3期25-34,共10页 The Northern Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“《尚书》经典化研究”(18BZW035)。
关键词 夏虚诵古 《尚书》 《甘誓》 《厚父》 晋南 repeating ancient poems of Xia Ruins Shang Shu Gan Oath Hou Fu the south of Shanxi Province
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