

“Morality”and“Sentimentality":From Outlaws of'the Marsh to Shi Xiu(《石秀》)
摘要 施蛰存的历史小说《石秀》,运用精神分析法对传统文本进行了现代性反叛,解构了传统文本中的儒家礼教和伦理道德,在中国现代文学中具有开山辟疆的作用。《水浒传》中石秀是“路见不平拔刀相助”、智勇双全的英雄好汉,是“忠义”伦理道德的捍卫者。而施蛰存以“俄狄浦斯情结”来构建石秀形象,使其对义嫂产生不伦之恋,给予这种隐秘情欲以正当性、合理性,并不作善恶道德评价,是对复杂人性的展示和深挖。《水浒传》将潘巧云贬低、丑化为恶毒淫妇,是“贞节”伦理道德的背叛者,而《石秀》中潘巧云是热情爽朗、多情风流的美艳妇人,并体现出都市新女性的特质。《水浒传》中杨雄护兄弟,斩淫妇,是“忠义”伦理道德的践行者,而《石秀》却凸显杨雄杀妻的盲从和麻木,以此揭露封建礼教对人性的桎梏和扭曲。从《水浒传》到《石秀》单一的道德文本位移为丰富的人性文本,以三种形态展示了“有情”与“道德”的激烈冲撞下复杂多样的人性,体现了中国现代文学超越古代小说单一、道德化的人物塑形去建构人性。 Shi Zhecun(施蛰存)uses the method of psychoanalysis to write historical novel Shi Xiu,which embodies the modern characteristics of Chinese literature.Different from the ancient novel Qutlaws of the marsh,Shi Xiu deconstructs the Confucian ethics and traditional moral standards,and plays a pioneering role in modern Chinese literature.In Outlaws of the marsh,Shi Xiu is a hero both wise and brave,and a defender of loyalty and righteousness.But Shi Zhecun creats the image of Shi Xiu with“Oedipus complex",who has an incestuous love for his sister-in-law.Shi Zhecun justfies the secret sexual desire of Shi Xiu to display the complexity of human nature objectively.Pan Qiaoyun(潘巧云)is a wicked whore who cheated her husband and betrayed chastity ethics in Outlaws of the marsh.However,Pan Qiaoyun is a passionate,hearty and amorous beautiful city woman in Shi Xiu.In Outlaws of the marsh,Yang Xiong(杨雄)killed his wife for friendship,while Shi Zhecun describes Y ang Xiong as a character of ignorance or plain stupidity who is deceived by Shi Xiu into killing Pan Qiaoyun.Shi Zhecun highlights that personalities of blind obedience and numbness embodied in Yang Xiong.Through the confict between Sentimentality and Morality in three forms,Shi Zhecun shows the complexity and diversity of human nature and cxposed the feudal ethics that distorts the human nature.In a word,From Qutlaws of the marsh to Shi Xiu,It shows that the moral text gives way to the human text,and modern Chinese literature transcends ancient works in the terms of characterization.
作者 刘川鄂 杨萌 Liu Chuane;Yang Meng(School of Literature,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062,Hubei,China)
机构地区 湖北大学文学院
出处 《长江学术》 2023年第2期47-63,共17页 Yangtze River Academic
关键词 施蛰存 石秀 潘巧云 杨雄 俄狄浦斯情结 Shi Zhecun(施蛰存) Shi Xiu(石秀) Pan Qiaoyun(潘巧云) Yang Xiong(杨雄) Oedipus Complex
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