

The Mobiusband of Desire and Imagination:From Hesiod,Andersen to Flaubert's Bovarysme
摘要 《包法利夫人》不仅以现实主义的写作方式来承载浪漫主义关切的精神内核,而且对欲望与想象的内在关联机制进行了深入探索。包法利综合征的基本特质是“将自己想象为非其所是的他者”,内含着以想象为介体的欲望模仿。撇开所谓病理症候与伦理面貌不论,它意味着主体建构的某种动态模式,可用欲望和想象的莫比乌斯圈来比喻。对想象和欲望的关联书写,可追溯至赫西俄德。他笔下的潘多拉将欲望封存于绝对想象之中构建了超越时空的“希望”理念。诗人作为洞悉个中奥秘的“知觉者”,本身却无法超然于欲望和想象的支配,也需用“潘多拉瓶”自救。因此,安徒生以将欲望封闭于想象之域的方式,来营造所需的艺术童话和人生童话。尽管帕乌斯托夫斯基关于安徒生其人的重新叙事质疑了这一态度,但读者对帕氏书写之中浪漫部分的经久接受再次证明这一童话在世间的魅惑之力。福楼拜小说可视为对此祛魅的努力,它们往往以自我较量的方式展开。《包法利夫人》貌似客观冷漠的书写,源于作者与自身白日梦倾向的抗争。其间“潘多拉瓶”不断开合,“希望”昙花一现,相互错位的主体追求,伴随着欲望和想象的此起彼落。福楼拜的书写呈现出一个虚妄充斥的世界,唯有存在的勇气可以直面。 Madame Bovary not only presents the spiritual core of romanticism in a realistic manner,but also probes deeply into the mechanism of inner conction between desire and imagination.The fundamental characteristic of Bovarysme is"imagining oneself as the other who one is not",which implies the imitation of desire mediated by imagination.Aside from the pathological and ethical aspects,it signifies a certain dynamic mode of subject construction,which can be likened to a Mobiusband of desire and imagination.Depicting of the connection between imagination and desire,which can be traced back to Hesiod.His Pandora seals desire in the absolute imagination,constructing the transcendental idea of"hope".The poet,as a"seer"who understands the secret,can not get rid of the dictates of desire and imagination,and needs to use the"Pandora's jar"to save himself.Therefore,Andersen creates the fairy tale of art and life that he needs by confining desire to the realm of imagination.Although Paustovsky's retelling of Andersen challenges this atitude,the reader's enduring acceptance of the romantic part of Paustovsky's writing is another testimony for the power of the fairy tale in secular world.Flaubert's novels can be seen as the effort of disenchantment,and they often present in the form of self-struggle.The seemingly objective and indifferent writing of Madame Bovary stems from the author's struggle against his own daydreaming tendencies.In the process,the"Pandora's bottle"is opening and closing constantly,the"hope"is fleeting,and the pursuits of the subject,which mutually dislocated,is accompanied by the rise and fall of desire and imagination.Flaubert's writing presents a world full of ilusions that only the courage to exist can confront.
作者 涂险峰 曹晓龙 Tu Xianfeng;Cao Xiaoong(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,Hubei,China)
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《长江学术》 2023年第2期84-97,共14页 Yangtze River Academic
关键词 包法利综合征 欲望 想象 潘多拉瓶 莫比乌斯圈 Bovarysme Desire Imagination Pandora's Jar Mobiusband
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