

The Local Experience Design of Mo Bozhi's North Garden Restaurant
摘要 通过案例分析,挖掘大师设计思想内涵,探讨具现代启示意义的设计方法,推动岭南建筑的创新发展;基于设计学,从体验视角,以现场观察方法、置换植入方式,对北园酒家的地方性体验设计方法深入研究并总结归纳;发现大师作品中蕴含的对广府传统建筑文化的继承创新思想、场所体验设计理念、空间游观表达方法等宝贵经验迄今为止依然具有时代意义,是当代设计师的重要借鉴;空间体验是最直接感受并领悟地方传统建筑文化精神内涵的设计手段,结合现代建筑体验理论探索岭南传统建筑的传承创新之路,契合时代发展趋向和现代人的审美需求。 In the late 1950s,Mo Bozhi's North Garden Restaurant was the first representative work of his"garden restaurant"design,with the ingenious combination of the restaurant building and the Lingnan Garden.It caused a sensation in the domestic architectural field at the time,created a new era of modern architecture in Lingnan,and demonstrated the architectural vitality of the times.In this study,the design philosophy and master influences were further explored by analysing the creation of the North Garden Restaurant.Moreover,the experience-based design methods of modern architecture was discussed.It promotes the inheritance,innovation,and development of modern architecture and interior environmental design in Lingnan.The use of local experience design in the North Garden Restaurant was discussed from the perspective of architectural experiences using field observation and replacement mode.Assisted by the core concept of Western architectural experience theory,the spatial experience-based design principles in the design philosophy of Mo Bozhi were compared.The specific application of architectural experience design methods to restaurant environments were analysed from perspectives of body perception via spatial sequence design,visual feeling via architectural morphological innovations,and reuse of classical artefacts.The advanced design ideas of masters were summarised.Finally,the influences of Mo Bozhi's design philosophy and methods were further proven by incorporating a case study of modern design.Moreover,the modern application of spatial experience design methods were explored.Mo Bozhi innovated the garden restaurant,integrating catering and sightseeing functions based on demands and aiming to provide guests with all-round physical and mental experiences in a restaurant environment.This is achieved via physical participation and the local folk characteristics of the restaurant environment through interaction and dynamic transformation of spatial scenes.Guests can experience the charm of traditional architectural art in Lingnan.The design of North Garden Restaurant not only shows Mo Bozhi's wisdom regarding spatial experience design based on the traditional classical garden,but also recognises the significance of considering the restaurant environment from the experiential perspective of guests.By respecting environment and topography,North Garden Restaurant has a refined arrangement of water landscapes,integration of buildings and gardens,rich spatial sequence perceptions,and diversified building forms and combinations.Moreover,artefacts from the Republic of China were reused in interior furnishings,thus creating a catering environment with Guangzhou's distinctive local characteristics.The North Garden Restaurant explicitly demonstrates the alignment between the design philosophy of Mo Bozhi and Western architectural experience theory,showing how his designs keep pace with the times.His design philosophy incorporates many valuable experiences,such as inheriting and innovating the design concept of traditional architectural culture,place experience-based design,the methods of touring the space,etc.Thus,the North Garden Restaurant is an important reference for contemporary designers studying Lingnan's architectural culture.This study concluded that:(1)spatial experiences are designed to experience the local traditional architectural culture and understand the spiritual connotations of local culture via direct content;(2)to inherit regional traditional architectural culture,it is essential to study the essence of traditional architectural construction and the innovative design ideas of senior designers,learn the wisdom of experience-based design,and achieve mastery;(3)it is necessary to engage with Western modern architectural experience theory and explore Lingnan traditional architecture via modern means of expression.These findings agree with current development trends and the aesthetic needs of modern people.
作者 杜肇铭 郭卫宏 DU Zhaoming;GUO Weihong
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期20-28,共9页 South Architecture
基金 广东省教育厅普通高校人文社科重点项目(2019WZDXM007):岭南传统人居环境生态智慧的传承与创新研究 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(20YJC760135):基于文化地理学的岭南室内空间嬗变研究。
关键词 莫伯治 庭园酒家 场所体验 地方性 体验设计 Mo Bozhi garden restaurant spatial experience locality experience design
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