

MMC Fault Tolerant Control Based on Model Predictive Control
摘要 子模块故障是模块化多电平换流器主要的故障类型,提出了一种模型预测容错控制策略,无需设置冗余子模块,故障后只需切除故障子模块,通过基于模型预测控制的软件容错控制方法,在实现MMC输出相电流跟踪和子模块均压的同时,通过调整故障桥臂补偿电压来实现三相环流的抑制,仿真实验证明了所提模型预测容错控制策略的有效性。 Sub module failure is the main failure type of modular multilevel converter(modular multilevel converter MMC).A model predictive fault tolerant control strategy is proposed.There is no need to set up redundant su-modules.After failure,only the faulty sub-module needs to be removed.A software fault tolerant control method based on model predictive control.While realizing MMC output phase current tracking and sub-module voltage equalization,the three-phase circulating current is suppressed by adjusting the compensation voltage of the faulty bridge arm.Simulation experiments prove the proposed fault tolerant control strategy Effectiveness.
作者 汪健 余瑜 杨文康 WANG Jian;YU Yu;YANG Wenkang(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Hubei Univ.of Tech.,Wuhan 430068,China)
出处 《湖北工业大学学报》 2023年第2期17-21,共5页 Journal of Hubei University of Technology
关键词 模型预测控制 子模块故障 容错控制 环流抑制 Model predictive control sub-module failure fault tolerant control circulation suppression
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