关注《巴伐利亚州高等教育创新法》,对其进行深入研究不仅是因为巴伐利亚州的大学多年来一直都属于德国绩效最高、设施最好的大学,更是因为其在内容上设立了新的标准。新法表达了全面改革和重塑科学政策的意愿,并且不受任何意识形态限制,这在德国已经很久没有出现了。简而言之,可以把巴伐利亚州对科学政策改革的诉求描述为更加灵活、卓越和创新,即在加强尖端研究的同时普遍提高科研的质量,另外更加强调以应用为导向的研究和转化,以及加强大学的自主性。文章研究了这部新出台的高等教育法和《巴伐利亚高科技议程》(Hightech Agenda Bayern)之间的关系,深入探讨了几年来的立法过程,并从应用和转化的视角出发总结了主要的实质性的改革要点。
On July 21,2022,the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act(BayHIG)was adopted by the Bavarian State Parliament.An intensive study of this new higher education law is not only worth-while because the Bavarian universities have been among the most efficient and well-equipped universities in Germany for many years.The new Act deserves attention above all because it sets new standards in terms of contents.The new law expresses a comprehensive desire to reform and shape science policy,which has not been seen in Germany for a long time in such consistency,clarity and freedom from ideology.If itis to be put in a nutshell,the Bavarian way in science policy could be described as a petition for more agility,excellence and innovation:Quality across the board while at the same time strengthening top-level research;greater emphasis on applied research and transfer as well as strengthening university autonomy.This article establishes the relationship between the new Higher Education Act and the Bavarian High-Tech Agenda,goes into the multi-year legislative process and summarizes the key reform priorities from an applied and transfer-oriented perspective.
Hendrik Lackner
Hendrik Lackner(Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences,Osnabrueck 49076,Lower Saxony,Germany)
Application-Oriented Higher Education Research
Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act
German system of higher education
university of applied sciences