
员工主动担责行为的研究述评与展望 被引量:2

Review and Prospects of Research onEmployee s Taking Charge Behavior
摘要 员工主动担责行为是企业革新发展的重要影响因素,并逐渐成为实业界与学术界的热点话题。通过文献梳理发现,人口统计学特征、个体特质、心理因素、领导风格等是员工主动担责行为形成的前因,员工认知和动机、工作和关系状态是其形成的中介;价值导向、人格特征和管理者因素等是对其形成产生强化或弱化作用的重要权变因素;主动担责行为既会对员工的工作体验、行为表现和绩效产生积极影响,也会给其人际互动等带来消极影响;同时,角色定位、自我认知、心理感知、目标激励、人际环境是解释其形成的主要理论视角。未来可从概念、形成机制和差异化影响效应方面推动员工主动担责行为的研究。 Taking charge is the manifestation of employees active responsibility and accepting challenges.It is also an important factor to promote the innovation and development of enterprises,and has gradually become a hot topic in the industry and academia.Based on existing studies,this paper builds a knowledge framework about employees’taking charge behavior.In terms of the influencing factors,demographic characteristics,individual traits,psychological factors,individual status,interpersonal interactions,leadership styles,team and organizational factors are shown to predict the emergence of taking charge behavior,while employee s cognition and motivation,work and relationship status are the mediators of its formation.In terms of the influencing outcomes,taking charge has double-edged sword effects.On the one hand,it can positively affect employees’work experience,behavior and performance.On the other hand,taking charge behavior will negatively affect employees’recovery experience and interpersonal relationships.In terms of theoretical perspectives,role orientation,self-perception,psychological perception,goal motivation,and interpersonal environment are the main perspectives currently used to explain the mechanisms of taking charge.However,from the perspective of research limitations,on the one hand,the existing studies neglect the understanding of the concept of taking charge,which limits the development of this topic and might prevent portraying and solving some practical problems.On the other hand,the focus on the formation mechanism of taking charge is not deep enough,and it is still in the primary stage,especially lacking some integrative perspectives and new theoretical perspectives.It is necessary to dig out the driving factors of taking charge behavior and explore its potential intermediate mechanism in depth.Meanwhile,scholars haven’t fully explored the impact of taking charge,especially ignoring its differentiated impacts and mechanism.In fact,the double-edged sword effect of employees’taking charge behavior does exist in many organizations,which needs to be explored in combination with specific problems in the practice of enterprise management.According to the limitations of existing researchand in order to promote the development of taking charge,the following three research directions are proposed.Firstly,it s necessary to expand the understanding of taking charge from the perspective of motivation,from different levels and hierarchies,as well as from a dynamic perspective.Secondly,deepen the exploration of the taking charge formation mechanism from multiple perspectives and new theoretical perspectives,which might accelerate the formation of employees’taking charge in the workplace and enhance this proactive behavior s contribution to the better development of organizations and enterprises.Thirdly,discover the differential impact of taking charge by exploring its double-edged sword effects and non-linear impacts,or focusing on different groups and organizations,as well as creating the process mechanism of differential impact of taking charge behavior.
作者 李朋波 王帅康 黄子欣 陈涛 LI Pengbo;WANG Shuaikang;HUANG Zixin;CHEN Tao(Beijing International Studies University,Beijing 100024)
出处 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期97-112,共16页 Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“权力何以授予:目标理论视角下领导授权行为的形成机制研究”(71702005) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目“职场负面八卦氛围的量表开发及其多层次影响机制研究”(21YJC630065) 北京市属高等学校优秀青年人才培育计划项目“平台化适应导向的人力资源管理机制构建及作用机理研究”(BPHR202203141)。
关键词 主动担责行为 主动变革行为 形成机制 影响结果 taking charge behavior proactive change behavior formation mechanism consequence
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