
网络零售平台搭售行为的反垄断法规制分析——以阿里巴巴为例 被引量:2

Analysis of Antitrust Law Regulation of Tied Sales on E-tailing Platforms——Alibaba as an example
摘要 数字经济背景下的网络零售交易过程包含平台、消费者、商户三方主体,且因网络零售服务大部分都是无偿的或不直接向消费者收费的,导致网络零售平台搭售行为较传统行业搭售行为更具隐蔽性和复杂性。我国于2022年8月施行的《中华人民共和国反垄断法》创造性地引入了数字平台反垄断“专条”,然而仅对数字平台搭售行为作出原则性规定,难以规制具体行为。在网络零售市场占有支配地位的阿里巴巴向消费者提供其旗下淘宝的网络零售服务的同时,以消费者必须接受支付宝的支付结算服务作为完成购物过程的条件。以国内外观点综合的“四要件”为视角,认定上述行为对消费者自由选择服务提供商的权利及公平竞争秩序造成损害,从而构成搭售。基于我国国情,应当坚持立法导向,以明确搭售行为的构成要件及执法机构的具体职责完善反垄断法的外部规制;加强事前监管,引导网络零售平台间良性竞争,发挥行业内部管理作用。 The e-tailing transaction process in the context of the digital economy involves three parties:the platform,the consumer and the merchant,and since most e-tailing services are unpaid or not directly charged to the consumer,the tying behavior of e-tailing platforms is more hidden and complex than that of traditional industries.China's Anti-Monopoly Law,which came into force in August 2022,creatively introduced a"special article"on anti-monopoly for digital platforms,but only provides for the principle of tied selling on digital platforms,which is difficult to regulate specific acts.Alibaba,which has a dominant position in the e-tailing market,provided consumers with its Taobao e-tailing service and made the completion of the shopping process conditional on consumers accepting Alipay's payment and settlement services.The above-mentioned conduct was found to be detrimental to the consumer's right to freely choose the service provider and to the order of fair competition,thus constituting a tied sale.Based on China's national conditions,it is important to adhere to the legislative guidance,to clarify the elements of tied selling and the specific responsibilities of law enforcement agencies to improve the external regulation of the Anti-Monopoly Law;to strengthen ex ante supervision,to guide healthy competition among e-tailing platforms,and to play the role of internal management of the industry.
作者 赵伟昊 Zhao Weihao(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510890)
出处 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报》 2023年第1期58-64,共7页 Journal of Anhui Business College
基金 广东外语外贸大学研究生科研创新项目(22GWCXXM-096)。
关键词 数字经济 网络零售服务 搭售行为 反垄断规制 构成要件 Digital economy E-tailing services Tied selling Antitrust regulation Constituent elements
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