

Effects of 3D printing technology combined with CBL teaching method in nursing teaching of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
摘要 目的探讨3D打印技术联合CBL教学法在青少年特发性脊柱侧凸临床护理教学中的应用效果。方法采用便利抽样法,选取2020年1—11月在解放军总医院第四医学中心骨科脊柱病区临床实习的48名护生作为对照组,选取2020年12月—2021年10月在相同病区临床实习的50名护生作为试验组。对照组采用护理部统一规范的传统教学方法,试验组在传统教学的基础上应用3D打印技术联合CBL教学方法。实习结束后对两组实习护生的出科考核成绩、教学满意度和学习兴趣进行评价,并在半年后进行知识考核。结果试验组学生的专科理论成绩、操作考核成绩、教学满意度及学习兴趣评分以及半年后的相关知识测试评分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论3D打印技术联合CBL教学法能够在青少年特发性脊柱侧凸临床护理教学实践中帮助实习护生更好地理解、掌握相关教学内容,提高学习兴趣和教学满意度,并且有利于形成较好的长时记忆。 Objective To explore the effect of three-dimensional(3D)printing technology combined with case-based learning(CBL)teaching method in clinical nursing teaching of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.Methods The convenience sampling was used to select 48 nursing students who had clinical practice in the Orthopedic Spine Ward of the Fourth Medical Center of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital from January to November 2020 as the control group.A total of 50 nursing students in the same ward were selected as the experimental group from December 2020 to October 2021.The control group adopted the unified and standardized traditional teaching method of the Nursing Department,and the experimental group applied 3D printing technology combined with CBL teaching method on the basis of traditional teaching.After the internship,the two groups of intern nursing students were evaluated on their graduation examination results,teaching satisfaction and learning interest,and the knowledge assessment was carried out six months later.Results The scores of the students in the experimental group in the academic theory,operation examination,teaching satisfaction and learning interest,as well as the scores of the related knowledge after half a year were higher than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusions The combination of 3D printing technology and CBL teaching method can help intern nursing students understand and master relevant teaching content,improve learning interest and teaching satisfaction,and help form long-term memory in the clinical nursing teaching practice of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
作者 陈巧灵 姚冬芳 郭继东 Chen Qiaoling;Yao Dongfang;Guo Jidong(Nursing Department,the Fourth Medical Center of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital,Beijing 100048,China;Emergency Department,the Fourth Medical Center of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital,Beijing 100048,China;Second Ward of Spine Department,the Fourth Medical Center of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital,Beijing 100048,China)
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2023年第10期1381-1385,共5页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
基金 军委后勤保健项目(19BJZ36)。
关键词 3D打印技术 CBL教学法 青少年特发性脊柱侧凸 护理教学 Printing,three-dimensional CBL teaching method Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis Teaching of nursing
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