
性侵未成年人新修订条款的教义学阐释 被引量:1

Dogmatic Interpretation of the Newly Revised Provisions on Sexual Abuse of Minors
摘要 奸淫幼女侵犯的法益不是幼女的性自主权,而是幼女的性权利和身心健康。由于奸淫不满10周岁幼女犯罪额外损害到幼女性器官健康,法益侵害程度更高、行为人罪责程度更深,因此具备提高法定刑的理论依据。在负有照护职责人员性侵罪中,处于特殊关系中的14—16周岁未成年女性性同意能力有限,存在特殊关系个体间发生性关系有违伦理、特殊职责人员性侵社会危害性大且预防必要性高,因此符合增设新罪的条件。特殊职责人员范围除法条明确列举外,还包括法律上存在特殊关系的人员,以及事实上存在抚养、保护、照顾等关系的人员。在猥亵儿童罪的加重情节中,“多人”或“多次”并非仅指三人或三次以上,特殊情形下两人或两次也可适用加重法定刑;此外,“情节恶劣”是对“在公共场所当众猥亵”的限制,仅在猥亵综合情节达到升格法定刑时才适用,否则公共场所仅为基本犯从重情节。 What the fornication with the undenage girl violates is not her sexual autonomy,but her sexual rights and physical and mental health.As the crime of raping the gid under ten additioally damages the health of her sexual organs,indicating a higher degree of infringement of legal benefits and a deeper degree of guilt of the perpetrator,there is a theoretical basis for increasing the statutory punishment.Among crimes of sexual assault by persons with caregiving duties,as females aged 14-16 in special relationships have limited ability to give sexual consent,sexual relations between individuals in special relationship are unethical;sexual assault by persons with special duties is harmful to society and the need for prevention is high,which meet the conditions for adding a new crime.In addition to those clearly listed in legal provisions,persons with special duties also include those who have special relationships stipulated by the law,and those who have factual relationships such as upbringing,protection,and caregiving.In aggravating circumstances of the crime of child molestation,multiple persons or multiple times do not only refer to three or more people or times,but also refer to two or two aggravated sentences in special circumstances;in addition,“aggravating circumstances”is a restriction on“public indecency in a public place”,which only applies when the comprehensive circumstances of indecency reach the level of statutory punishment,otherwise the public place is only a serious circumstance for the basic offense.
作者 陈捷 CHEN Jie(Criminal Justice College,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042,China)
出处 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期44-50,85,共8页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“未成年人司法先议权研究”(20BFX099) 江苏省昆山市人民检察院姚建龙专家团队工作室项目“性侵未成年人惩防工作机制”。
关键词 性侵未成年人 刑法修正案 加重情节 负有照护职责人员 多人多次 sexual abuse of minors amendments to the Penal Code aggravating circumstances persons with caregiving duties multiple persons and times
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