
数字化领导力如何促进企业绿色创新——SEM与fsQCA方法 被引量:5

How Digital Leadership Promotes Enterprise Green Innovation:A Study Based on SEM and fsQCA
摘要 基于高阶梯队理论、组织认同理论和情感—认知评价理论,检验数字化领导力各维度对企业绿色创新的影响,并探究绿色组织认同的传导作用和数字化威胁的调节作用。为更好地理解变量间统计关系和集合关系,采用结构方程模型(SEM)和模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)方法,对238份问卷展开实证研究。结果表明:数字化领导力的4个维度均对绿色创新具有显著直接正向影响,绿色组织认同在数字化领导力4个维度与绿色创新之间均发挥部分中介作用,数字化威胁在数字化领导力与绿色组织认同间发挥负向调节效应,数字化威胁调节绿色组织认同在数字化领导力与绿色创新之间的部分中介效应。在此基础上,通过定性比较分析得出激发企业绿色创新的9种前因构型。 In the context of the strategic goal of“carbon peak and carbon neutrality”and green development,enterprise green innovation as the golden key to achieving“double carbon”and sustainable development is not only a significant national concern,but also a hot academic topic.Influenced by the digital technology revolution and COVID-19,the market,industry and environment in which enterprises are located are constantly changing,and there are higher requirements for leaders'ability characteristics as to how to combine limited resources with dynamic opportunities,embed digital technology into organizational development,and optimize enterprise management practices.In recent studies,it has been found that digital leadership integrates digital technology and leadership,and it demonstrates the ability of leadership to actively embrace the digital revolution,motivate employees to innovate,quickly adapt organizational structures and processes to adapt to changes in the digital environment,and promote enterprise innovation.In the digital age,the question of how leaders build a digital leadership pedigree that adapts to the times,drives enterprises to upgrade related technologies to meet corresponding environmental standards,and effectively stimulates green innovation has become an urgent topic.This study explores the impact mechanism between digital leadership and green innovation,and examines the mediating role of green organizational identity and the moderating role of digital threat,as well as the multiple concurrent causal relationships that trigger green innovation.In order to better understand the statistical relationship and the set relationship between variables,the study adopts a mixed method with structural equation model(SEM)and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis(fsQCA)method.Data from 238 questionnaires is collected at two different time points.The findings indicate that the four dimensions of digital leadership can positively influence green innovation;green organizational identity plays a partial mediating role between the four dimensions of digital leadership and green innovation;digital threat has a negative moderating effect between digital leadership and green organizational identity,and it moderates the partial mediating effect of green organizational identity in digital leadership and green innovation.Further,the fsQCA method is used to analyze the causal complexity of digital leadership dimensions,green organizational identity and digital threat to green innovation,and nine effective configuration paths are identified.This shows that the combined effect of the four dimensions of digital leadership is the key factor to trigger the high green innovation of enterprises.At the same time,the study verifies the conduction effect of green organizational identity among the four dimensions of digital leadership and green innovation.This shows that digital leaders should not only combine relevant policies to build a vision of digital change and environmental management,but more importantly,work with organizational members to promote the digital transformation and sustainable development,so as to better understand technology and change management.Following upper echelons theory,organizational identity theory,and cognitive appraisal of emotion theory,this study constructs the relationship framework of“digital leadership—green organizational identity—green innovation”.It explores the internal mechanism of digital leadership and green innovation.This study makes several contributions to the existing research.First,it defines digital leadership and divides it into four parts.On the basis of upper echelons theory,it explores the impact of digital leadership on enterprise green innovation,which will not only enrich the relevant research of leadership,but also expand the antecedents of green innovation.Second,it elaborates the digital leadership mechanism of green innovation,and reveals the mediating role of green organizational identity,and improves the marginal contribution of organizational identity theory in the field of green innovation.Third,digital threat is introduced as a moderating variable to broaden the boundary conditions of digital leadership for enterprise green innovation.Fourthly,the fsQCA method is used to analyze the antecedents of green innovation based on the empirical research.In summary this study provides reference for enterprises to trigger green innovation development.
作者 田红娜 孙美玲 王莉静 Tian Hongna;Sun Meiling;Wang Lijing(School of Economics and Management,Harbin University of Science and Technology,Harbin 150400,China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 北大核心 2023年第8期54-65,共12页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(72004044) 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(LH2021G010) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目(22JYB243)。
关键词 数字化领导力 企业绿色创新 绿色组织认同 数字化威胁 Digital Leadership Enterprise Green Innovation Green Organizational Identity Digital Threat
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