

A New Species of Nematus Panzer(Hymenoptera:Tenthredinidae),a Defoliator of Quercus variabilis in Beijing,China
摘要 记述采自北京市平谷区危害栓皮栎的突瓣叶蜂属(膜翅目:叶蜂科)一新种:斑痣突瓣叶蜂Nematus maculostigmatus Liu&Wei, sp. nov.。该种幼虫取食栓皮栎的叶片。新种与黄环突瓣叶蜂(N. princeps Zaddach, 1876)近似,二者的主要区别是:新种上唇、翅基片、前中足股节背侧长斑、后足股节小斑、前中足胫节腹侧及背侧基部4/5、后足胫节基部2/3、腹部第1背板全部、第2背板大部黄色;颚眼距0.5倍于中单眼直径;锯鞘1.3倍于前足胫节,锯腹片中部锯刃具4—6个外侧亚基齿;第1节缝向端部倾斜,2—15节缝具刺毛带,刺毛带最宽处约3/5于锯节宽;锯根0.7倍于锯端;阳茎瓣腹叶刺突明显倾斜。黄环突瓣叶蜂上唇、翅基片小部暗褐色;前中足股节、胫节、跗节除各节端缘外红黄色;后足股节基部1/3红黄色;腹部第3—4节大部黄色;颚眼距1.5倍于中单眼直径;锯鞘0.8倍于前足胫节;锯腹片中部锯刃多具9—12个外侧亚基齿;第1节缝不倾斜,2—13节缝具刺毛带,刺毛带最宽处约为锯节的1/3宽;锯根0.9倍于锯端;阳茎瓣腹叶刺突不倾斜,端部侧面具突起。采用DNA试剂盒法提取了新种基因组DNA,测序获得新种COⅠ基因序列,长度为810 bp。另从Genbank数据库中下载突瓣叶蜂属、槌缘叶蜂属已知种类COⅠ序列14条,与新种序列构成COⅠ序列数据集,运算突瓣叶蜂属内种间的K2P距离,计算结果显示,斑痣突瓣叶蜂与黄环突瓣叶蜂的K2P距离最小,为0.116;基于贝叶斯法构建了COⅠ基因系统发育树,树图结果显示,斑痣突瓣叶蜂与突瓣叶蜂属内其他11个已知种聚为一支,构成单系群。分子分析结果与形态鉴定结果一致,均支持新种成立。新种模式标本保存于江西南昌亚洲叶蜂博物馆。 This paper describes a new species of the genus Nematus(Hymenoptera:Tenthredinidae),Nematus maculostigmatus Liu&Wei,sp.nov.The insect is collected from Pinggu District,Beijing,where its larvae feed on leaves of Quercus variabilis and even can defoliate entire tree leaves at high densities.Recurrent defoliation can cause major dieback.The new species is similar to N.princeps Zaddach,1876,but can be distinguished from the latter by the following characters:labrum,tegula,large stripe on dorsal side of fore and middle femora,spot of hind femur,except apical 1/5 on dorsal side of fore and middle tibiae,basal 2/3 of hind tibia,whole tergum 1,and most parts of tergum 2 yellow;malar space 0.5 times as long as diameter of median ocellus;ovipositor sheath 1.3 times as long as front tibia;each middle serrula of lancet with 4–6 distal teeth;annular suture 1 oblique to apex,2nd–15th sutures with setae bands,longest setae band about 3/5 length of annulus;radix 0.7 times as long as lamnium;valvispina of penis valve obliqued distinctly.N.princeps Zaddach,1876 is recognized as follow:labrum and part of tegula dark brown;femora and tibiae of fore and middle legs,except apical margins of each tarsomere of fore and middle tarsi,basal 1/3 of hind femur reddish yellow;most parts of terga 3–4 yellow;malar space 1.5 times as long as diameter of median ocellus;ovipositor sheath 0.8 times as long as front tibia;each middle serrula of lancet with 9–12 distal teeth;annular suture 1 not obliqued;2nd–13th sutures with setae bands,longest setae band about 1/3 length of annulus;radix 0.9 times as long as lamnium;valvispina of penis valve not obliqued,ventral side of apex with a protrusion.The genomic DNA of the new species was extracted by using the DNeasy Tissue Kit(Qiagen,Valencia,CA),sequence of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome oxidaseⅠ(COⅠ)were obtained from sequencing,with 810 bp in length;another 14 COⅠsequences of known Nematus and Pristiphora species used in previous phylogenetic analyses were downloaded from GenBank,and formed the CO I sequence data set with the new species sequence.The results of Kimura 2-parameter model distance of the 12 Nematus COⅠsequences showed that the K2P distance between N.maculostigmatus and N.princeps was the smallest,0.116.Phylogenetic tree of Nematus and related genus species based on Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of COⅠsequences was constructed,and the results showed that all the Nematus species formed a monophyletic group,including the new species.The holotype and all paratypes of the new species were deposited in the Asian Sawfly Museum,Nanchang,China(ASMN).
作者 刘萌萌 虞国跃 李泽建 王凯 魏美才 Liu Mengmeng;Yu Guoyue;Li Zejian;Wang Kai;Wei Meicai(College of Ecology,Lishui University ,Lishui 323000;Institute of Plant Protection,Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences ,Beijing 100097;Provincial Postdoctoral Research Station Scientific Research and Management Center of East China Medicinal Botanical Garden Lishui Forestry Bureau ,Lishui 323000;College of Life Sciences,Jiangxi Normal University ,Nanchang 330022)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期107-111,共5页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31970447) 百山祖国家公园科学研究项目(2021KFLY08) 丽水市博士后科研工作站考核奖励专项(2021,2023)。
关键词 突瓣叶蜂亚科 突瓣叶蜂族 栓皮栎 中国 Nematinae Nematini Quercus variabilis China
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