
专家型教师与职前教师的专业洞察力比较研究 被引量:2

A Comparative Study on the Professional Insight between Expert Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers
摘要 教师专业洞察力作为一项教学实践能力,在职前与在职教师专业发展研究领域日益受到重视.以18位专家型教师和28位职前教师为研究对象,利用眼动追踪技术,结合基于视频的访谈法,从教师的注意和推理两个维度,探索专家型教师与职前教师对学生合作过程的洞察力差异,为职前与在职教师教学实践能力提升提供依据.研究发现:教师的专业洞察力与其教学经验密切相关.在学生合作问题解决过程中,专家型教师能够敏锐觉察关键信息,并将其与一般性教学原则建立联系,提出教学建议;职前教师的注意力容易被频繁发言的学生吸引,对学生的问题行为更加敏感,较少关注合作教学目标. Teachers’professional insight,as a practical teaching ability,has received increasing attention in the field of pre-service and in-service teacher professional development research.This study chose 18 expert teachers and 28 pre-service teachers,and eye-tracking technology and video-based interview method were used to investigate the insight differences between expert and pre-service teachers on the cooperation process of students from the two dimensions of teachers’attention and reasoning,in order to provide a basis for improving the teaching practice ability of pre-service and in-service teachers.The results show that teachers’professional insight is closely related to their own teaching experience.In the process of student collaborative problem solving,expert teachers are able to perceive key information and link it to general teaching principles and make pedagogical recommendations.Pre-service teachers tend to be attracted by students who speak frequently,are more sensitive to students’problem behaviors,and pay less attention to cooperative teaching goals.
作者 李让美 郭衎 曹一鸣 LI Rang-mei;GUO Kan;CAO Yi-ming(School of Mathematical Sciences,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2023年第2期59-64,96,共7页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 全国教育科学“十三五”规划2018年度课题——中学生合作问题解决中认知互动与社会互动及其关系的实证研究(BHA180157)。
关键词 专业洞察力 合作问题解决 注意 推理 眼动 professional insight collaborative problem solving attention reasoning eye-tracking
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