
数字化转型背景下的智慧教育发展评价——世界数字教育大会智慧教育发展评价平行论坛综述 被引量:1

Evaluation of Smart Education Development in Digital Transitions:Review of the Parallel Session on Smart Education Evaluation of the World Digital Education Conference
摘要 在研究智慧教育的同时也要同步研究智慧教育评价,以评价引领智慧教育健康发展,这是全球教育变革发展的题中应有之义。2023世界数字教育大会“智慧教育发展评价平行论坛”,围绕智慧教育的理念与政策、评价的框架与路径进行深入研讨,基于全球视野和国际比较探讨智慧教育发展评价原则与方法,分析当前世界智慧教育发展水平,以期寻求理论共识、共享实践经验,推动智慧教育未来发展。特别是对数字时代需要什么样的教育、好的智慧教育的标准、智慧教育的核心、智慧教育评价在教育转型中承担的角色、数字化转型与智慧教育的关系等话题,与会嘉宾进行深入研讨,并基于不同角度提出观点:以新型评价范式和体系做好智慧教育;实现基于技术的数字转型,与技术和谐共处;智慧教育健康发展有赖于生态化学习环境;数字技术与教学实践融为一体;全球教育数字化转型进程需要迭代前行;数字化转型是教育的时代诉求;智慧教育评价要坚持五项基本原则;着眼于教育生态实现智慧教育监测;正视挑战,以评价引领智慧教育健康发展;智慧教育要在理想和现实之间寻找平衡;智慧教育是数字时代的教育新形态。 The study of smart education should be accompanied by that of smart education evaluation,promoting the sound development of smart education through evaluation,which is essential to the development and transformation of global education.The parallel session on smart education evaluation of the World Digital Education Conference discusses the framework and path of the concept,policy and evaluation of smart education.Based on global vision and international comparison,the session also takes the principle and method for evaluating smart education development into its consideration,analyzes the current situation of global smart education development to seek theoretical consensus,share practical experience and facilitate the future development of smart education.The session probes into such issues as nature of education in digital era,the standard of quality smart education,the core of smart education,the role of smart education evaluation in education transition as well as the relation between digital transition and smart education.The session proposes visions from different perspectives,which includes advancing smart education with new evaluating paradiam and system;achieving digital transition based on technology and harmonious coexistence;the sound development of smart education relying on ecological studying environment;integrating digital technology with teaching practice;the iterative progress in digital transition of global education;the digital transition as the call of times of education;five basic principles required in smart education evaluation;smart education monitoring through educational ecology;meeting the challenge of promoting the sound development of smart education through evaluation head-on;the balance between reality and ideal needed in smart education;smart education being the new educational form in digital era,etc.
作者 本刊编辑部 Editorial Office of CJIE
机构地区 不详
出处 《中国教育信息化》 2023年第4期10-16,共7页 Chinese Journal of ICT in Education
关键词 教育新形态 智慧教育评价 全球教育数字化转型 新型评价范式和体系 生态化学习环境 智慧教育监测 健康发展 New educational form Smart education evaluation Digital transition of global education New evaluating paradiam and system Ecological studying environment Smart education monitoring Sound development
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