

A Literature Review of the Collection and Research of Tibetan Family Pedigree Documents
摘要 藏族传统史学著作大体可以分为编年史、教法史、王统史、人物传记、地理志、庙志、年表等,这些史学著作虽然体裁各异,但大都热衷于苯佛两教的传播史,而对藏族世俗社会的历史记载甚少。然而,作为家族“谱系”文献,则大大超出以上范围,其内容涉及区域史、家族史、社会组织结构、姓氏谱系、世俗上层人物传记、人群迁徙与流动、民族间的交往等内容十分丰富,是传统史学著作的有益补充。本文在对中华民族家族谱系文献搜集、整理、收录工作进行回顾的基础上,补遗了100多部藏文族谱文献的基本情况,丰富了中华民族族谱文献宝库。同时,还从“Gdung-rabs”一词的词源、藏族谱系文献修撰传统、表达内容、史料价值、编纂特点等方面入手,对藏文族谱文献所蕴含的历史与文化信息进行了深入挖掘,对利用谱系文献进一步研究藏族社会历史相关问题的意义进行了阐释。 The genre of Tibetan traditional historical works can be basically divided into chronicles,religious history,royal genealogies,biographies,geographical chronicles,temple chronicles,and chronology,etc.Although these historical works have different genres,the narratives tend to be similar,and they are all focused on the history of spreading two religions,Bon and Buddhism,and there is little historical records on Tibetan secular society.However,the literary genre of the family"genealogy"is beyond the scope of the historical works mentioned above.Its content covers rich subjects regarding Tibetan secular history such as regional history,family history,social organizational structure,surname genealogy,biography of upper secular figures,migration and flow of people,and inter-exchanges of ethnic groups,etc.It is a useful supplement to traditional historical works.Therefore,based on the review of the collection and collation of family genealogical documents of the Chinese nation,this paper supplements the basic information of more than 10o Tibetan family genealogical documents collected by the author,enriching the treasure house of family genealogical documents of the Chinese nation.At the same time,starting from the etymology of the word Gdung-rabs",the tradition of Tibetan genealogical documents,the content of expression,the value of historical materials,and the characteristics of compilation,the paper also deeply explores the historical and cultural information contained in the Tibetan family genealogical documents,and explains the important academic significance of using the genealogical documents to further study the Tibetan social history.
作者 尼旦 Nyiten(School of Humanities in Tibet University,Lhasa,Tibet 850000)
机构地区 西藏大学文学院
出处 《青海民族大学学报(藏文版)》 2022年第3期104-122,共19页 Journal of qinghai minzu University:Tibetan Version
基金 2019年国家社科基金项目“西藏桂氏家族史综合研究”阶段性成果,项目编号:19XMZ030。
关键词 藏文古籍 谱系文献 补遗 综述 Tibetan ancient books Tibetan family genealogical documents supplement review
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