
海德格尔的技术批判与化解技术危险的可能出路 被引量:1

Heidegger's Critique of Technology and the Possible Essential Way to Response to the Danger of Technology
摘要 海德格尔认为技术时代由技术的集置本质而得到规定,集置体现了此在将一切现实物都看作“资源井”或“持存物”的存在解蔽方式,其背后的理论前提是以传统哲学的主体主义和主客二分为基础的范畴存在论思想。在这种理论模式中,此在的“自身性”无处不在,但这并非是此在的真正自身或“本质”,集置由此蕴含着最高的和极端的危险。化解这种危险的可能性出路在于,此在要在本真决断的方式上领会到集置及其背后的传统哲学理论预设的本质局限性,并基于一种可能的崭新的关系存在论思想,重新看待人与物之所是以及两者之间的关系。由此所标识的是一个与以集置作为本质的技术时代具有根本不同的后技术时代,它能够开显出技术(物)本身的可能性与丰富性的存在意义,从而有可能在本质上避免技术的危险,它或许能够成为今天乃至未来的人类技术的基本发展模式。 Heidegger concludes that the dominion of Enframing as the essence of modern technology defines technology age itself.Based on the presumption of subjectivism and subject-object dichotomy and with the categorical ontology as its core,Enframing reflects that Dasein orders everything as standing-reserve.It leads to Dasein encountering himself everywhere,but this is not true.In fact,Dasein completely forgets his true essence and his relation to Being.Thus the Enframing contains the highest and most extreme danger.As the only way of revealing Being,Dasein should base his existence on relational ontology instead of categorical ontology.Doing this,Dasein can bring a new post-technology age,which is essentially different to Enframing.Since the post-technology age as the mode of the development of technology can make an object appear as it is in itself,maybe it can help us to avoid the dangers of the Enframing technology age.
作者 李日容 LI Ri-rong(School of Foreign Literature and Culture,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510420,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 北大核心 2023年第3期74-81,共8页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“当代新兴增强技术前沿的人文主义哲学研究”(ZD20&045) 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“重塑物的形象——当代技术哲学视域中的物研究”(22FZXB078)。
关键词 海德格尔 技术批判 集置 范畴存在论 关系存在论 Heidegger critique of technology Enframing categorical ontology relational ontology
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