
身体现象学视域下虚拟现实体验的生成及其增强效应 被引量:6

The Enaction and Enhancement Effect of Virtual Reality Experience from the Perspective of Phenomenology of Body
摘要 在身体现象学视域下,虚拟现实体验是在基于身体的“行为-知觉”环路中生成的。这一生成过程在本质上揭示出体验者的身体与虚拟现实环境之间发生了一种结构耦合,并表明虚拟现实体验会对人的行为和知觉能力产生一种反身性的增强效应。这种增强效应表现为虚拟现实体验不仅能在行为层面增强人自身的认知能力、面对他者的交互能力以及构建生活世界的实践能力,还能在知觉层面扩展人对自身存在的知觉维度,加强人与他者的共情连接,以及丰富被知觉世界的呈现方式。在这些增强作用下,人主体的存在方式则发生了虚拟化、交互主体化和信息化等具有后人类特征的转变。 From the perspective of phenomenology of body,virtual reality experience is enacted in the"behavior-perception"loop based on the body.This enactive process reveals a structural coupling between the experiencer's body and the virtual reality environment in essence,and shows that virtual reality experience produces a reflexive enhancement effect on human behavioral and perceptual ability.At the behavioral level,this enhancement effect is manifested in the fact that virtual reality experience can enhances people's own cognitive ability,their ability to interact with others and their practical ability to build the Lifeworld.And at the perceptual level,the effect is manifested in the fact that virtual reality experience can expands the dimension of people's perception of their own existence,strengthens their empathic connection with others,and enriches the way the perceived world is appeared.With these enhancements,the human subject's way of being has undergone a transformation with post-human characteristics such as virtualization,intersubjectification and informatization.
作者 索引 闫宏秀 SUO Yin;YAN Hong-xiu(School of History and Culture of Science,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期82-90,共9页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“当代新兴增强技术前沿的人文主义哲学研究”(20&ZD045)。
关键词 虚拟现实 身体现象学 体验 生成 增强 virtual reality phenomenology of body experience enaction enhancement
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