

Xenia effect of micro⁃endosperm maize pollen on grain traits and oil percentage of common maize
摘要 【目的】分析微胚乳玉米花粉与普通玉米授粉杂交当代玉米籽粒的性状及含油率,为利用微胚乳玉米花粉直感效应改良普通玉米品质提供参考依据。【方法】以2个微胚乳玉米自交系和6个微胚乳玉米杂交组合为父本,与3个普通玉米品种进行授粉杂交,以普通玉米品种自交为对照(CK),测定分析各组合杂交当代玉米籽粒的百粒重、胚重比、含油率和胚含油率等性状,并进行相关分析。【结果】以微胚乳玉米自交系的花粉和微胚乳玉米杂交组合的花粉分别与普通玉米授粉,总体上均可提高其当代籽粒的百粒重,尤其对提高桂单0810×71-72、桂单0810×45-48、桂单166×71-72、桂单166×49-52、桂单166×65-66、桂单901×61-62和桂单901×49-52组合百粒重的效果更佳;各杂交当代玉米籽粒百粒重的相对花粉直感效应值中除桂单0810×63-64组合外,其余组合较其对应的CK提高1.37%~20.27%;8个微胚乳玉米材料花粉授粉均可显著(P<0.05,下同)或极显著(P<0.01,下同)提高桂单0810、桂单166和桂单901当代籽粒的胚重比;杂交当代玉米籽粒的含油率较其对应CK提高18.55%~68.70%,其中,GD901×65-66组合的籽粒含油率最高,GD166×61-62组合的籽粒含油率最低;胚含油率较其对应CK提高16.22%~35.26%,其中,GD901×73-74组合的胚含油率最高,GD166×61-62组合的胚含油率最低。相关分析表明,杂交当代玉米籽粒的含油率与胚含油率和胚重比呈极显著正相关,百粒重与胚重比呈显著正相关。【结论】微胚乳玉米花粉对普通玉米存在花粉直感效应,与普通玉米授粉杂交后当代玉米籽粒的胚重比、含油率和胚含油率均有所提高,因此,微胚乳玉米花粉可在普通玉米品质改良中发挥正向作用。微胚乳玉米花粉与普通玉米授粉杂交当代籽粒的含油率可通过提高籽粒胚重比、百粒重和胚含油率得到提高。 【Objective】The present paper aimed to analyze the grain trait and oil percentage of maize grain in the pollination hybridization be⁃tween micro⁃endosperm maize pollen and common maize,so as to provide a reference basis for improving the quality of common maize by u⁃sing the xenia effect of micro⁃endosperm maize pollen.【Method】In the experiment,3 common maize varieties,2 micro⁃endosperm maize in⁃bred lines and 6 micro⁃endosperm maize hybrid combinations were used as experimental materials,and micro⁃endosperm maize pollen was used to pollinate common maize.With common maize variety selfing as check,the 100⁃grain weight,embryo weight ratio,grain oil percentage and embryo oil percentage of contemporary common maize by micro⁃endosperm maize pollen were measured,and the correlation analysis was carried out.【Result】After receiving pollen of micro⁃endosperm maize inbred lines and micro⁃endosperm maize hybrid combinations respec⁃tively,compared with its corresponding common maize selfing,on the whole,it could increase the 100⁃grain weight,especially,the 100⁃grain weight of GD 0810×71⁃72,GD 0810×45⁃48,GD 166×71⁃72,GD 166×49⁃52,GD 166×65⁃66,GD 901×61⁃62 and GD 901×49⁃52 combination were better.The relative pollen xenia effect of 100⁃grain weight of hybrid combinations increased by 1.37%-20.27%compared with CK,except the combination of GD 0810×63⁃64.The pollen of the eight micro⁃endosperm maize materials could significantly(P<0.05,the same as below)or very significantly(P<0.01,the same as below)increase the embryo weight ratio of GD 0810,GD 166 and GD 901;The grain oil percentage was 18.55%-68.70%higher than its corresponding CK,among them,the oil percentage of GD901×65⁃66 combination was the highest,the oil percentage of GD166×61⁃62 combination was the lowest;The embryo oil percentage increased by 16.22%-35.26%compared with its corresponding CK,the embryo oil percentage of GD901×73⁃74 combination was the highest,the embryo oil percentage of GD166×61⁃62 combination was the lowest.The results of correlation analysis showed that there was the extremely significant positive correlation between grain oil percentage and embryo oil percentage and embryo weight ratio of pollinated hybrid contempo⁃rary maize,and there was the significant positive correlation between 100⁃grain weight and embryo weight ratio.【Conclusion】Micro⁃endo⁃sperm maize pollen had the xenia effects on common maize.After pollination,the embryo weight ratio,grain oil percentage and embryo oil percentage of contemporary maize grains were improved.Therefore,micro⁃endosperm maize pollen can play a positive role in the quality im⁃provement of common maize.The grain oil percentage of micro⁃endosperm maize pollen and common maize pollination can be increased by in⁃creasing the embryo weight ratio,100⁃grain weight and the embryo oil percentage.
作者 何森 郝小琴 HE Sen;HAO Xiao-qin(College of Agriculture,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China)
机构地区 广西大学农学院
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期465-472,共8页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31960429)。
关键词 微胚乳玉米 普通玉米 花粉直感效应 籽粒性状 含油率 Micro⁃endosperm maize Common maize Xenia effect Grain traits Oil percentage
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