
多效唑施用方式对水稻抗倒伏能力及产量的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Paclobutrazol Application on Lodging Resistance and Yield of Rice
摘要 为探究多效唑浸种与施用时期互作对水稻抗倒伏能力及产量的影响,以“五优稻4号”和“吉粳525”为试验材料,采用裂区试验设计,以多效唑浸种(S1)和不浸种处理(S0)为主区,多效唑喷施时期[不喷施(F0)、倒五叶(F3)喷施、倒四叶(F2)喷施、倒三叶(F1)喷施]为副区。探究多效唑不同施用方式对水稻物理性状、抗倒伏能力、干物质积累及产量的影响,旨在为水稻抗倒伏高产栽培技术提供理论依据和技术参考。结果表明:相比不浸种处理,多效唑浸种对各性状均有影响,但影响不显著。多效唑喷施处理显著降低了水稻株高、重心高、节间长度、穗长,增加了节间粗度和壁厚;显著提高了水稻基部第二节间抗折力、弯曲力矩,从而降低了倒伏指数;显著降低了水稻齐穗期干物质积累量,提高了成熟期干物质积累量,最终通过提高穗数和结实率进而使S1F3处理下的水稻产量相比对照S0F0显著增产15.45%和13.16%。无论是否浸种,不同叶龄时期喷施多效唑均表现为随喷施时期的延后,调控作用呈降低的趋势,且在倒五叶喷施多效唑处理(S1F3)各性状指标最优。综上所述,多效唑浸种方式并在倒五叶进行叶面喷施的施用方式,可以显著调控水稻的物理性状、倒伏特性、干物质积累、产量及构成要素性状。 In order to investigate the effect of interactions between seed soaking and application period of paclobutrazol on lodging resistance and yield,this experiment was conducted with "Wuyou rice 4" and "Ji Japonica 525" as the test materials,using a splitzone experimental design,with seed soaking(S1) and non-soaking(S0) treatments of paclobutrazol as the main zone and the spraying period of paclobutrazol [no spraying(F0),spraying on inverted five leaves(F3),spraying on inverted four leaves(F2),spraying on inverted three leaves(F1)] as the secondary zone.The experiment was conducted in a split-zone design,with paclobutrazol soaking and non-soaking treatments as the main zone and paclobutrazol spraying as the secondary zone.The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different application methods of paclobutrazol on physical traits,lodging resistance,dry matter accumulation and yield of rice,with the aim of providing theoretical basis and technical reference for lodging resistance and high-yield cultivation technology of rice.The results showed that compared to the non-soaked treatment,the paclobutrazol soaked seeds had effects on all traits,but the effects were not significant.The paclobutrazol spraying treatment significantly reduced rice plant height,center of gravity height,internode length,and hot length,and increased internode thickness and wall thickness;significantly increased the fracture resistance and bending moment of the second internode at the base of rice,thus reducing the index of inversion;significantly reduced the dry matter accumulation at the flush stage of rice and increased the dry matter accumulation at the maturity stage,ultimately,the yield of rice under S1F3 treatment was significantly increased by 15.45% and 13.16% compared to the control S0F0 by increasing the number of spikes and fruit set rate.In conclusion,the application of paclobutrazol in the form of seed soaking and foliar spraying at the fifth leaf of the crop can significantly regulate the physical traits,inversion characteristics,dry matter accumulation,yield and constituent traits of rice.
作者 邵玺文 牟金猛 杨志鑫 刘伟洋 耿艳秋 郭丽颖 SHAO Xi-wen;MOU Jin-meng;YANG Zhi-xin;LIU Wei-yang;GENG Yan-qiu;GUO Li-ying(College of Agriculture,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130000,China)
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期1-9,共9页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
基金 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20220202018NC,20210202008NC) 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD1500405)。
关键词 水稻 多效唑 施用方式 抗倒伏能力 干物质积累 产量 rice paclobutrazol application method lodging resistance dry matter accumulation yield
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